PRC Considerations

As the Postural Restoration Certification (PRC) Application Deadline of September 15th approaches I wanted to share some common questions I’m receiving…

Q: Despite having attended many PRI courses I’m not confident that I know the information well enough to pass an exam. Who could possibly understand it as well as Ron:) Any advice on preparing for this?
A: Your apprehension is shared by many who have successfully completed the PRC process! It’s important to keep in mind that the information tested is that from Myokinematic Restoration, Postural Respiration and Advanced Integration courses.  Information from other PRI courses will definitely help advance your overall knowledge base and strengthen your application but the course information from these other courses is not specifically tested. The exam was created in 2004 and for the most part remains unchanged. So even as the science continues to evolve, the basic fundamentals are what is important to consider in preparing. One more thing to consider is that the PRC Application Process itself it designed to prepare you for PRC testing and the information that you’ll receive back from our Application Review Committee will have specific comments to assist you in preparing. The Committee will make an overall recommendation as to whether your application demonstrates your readiness for PRC.

Q: If I have previously attended the Advanced Integration course, is it necessary to repeat the course immediately prior to PRC testing?
A: No. You are not required to attend the Advanced Integration course again. If you would like to attend the course in preparation for testing, you will receive a 20% discount on the tuition fee. In years past, the Advanced Integration course has provided an opportunity for the PRC class to form relationships and friendships that last for many years to come. After the first day of the course, we introduce the PRC candidates to each other. From there it’s typical to see study groups forming in the evenings over coffee or even nights of dancing and music:)You can study and prepare for PRC together or socialize and build relationships with colleagues who share your passion for Postural Restoration! The course is an excellent opportunity to review and advance your understanding of integrative concepts as you prepare for the PRC process!

Q: I have not yet attended Advanced Integration but plan to in December. Can I also apply for PRC this year?
A: Yes. In this case, please indicate your intention to attend Advanced Integration in December on your PRC application. Keep in mind that we recommend a minimum of 2-3 years of PRI experience prior to applying for PRC.

Q: I will be submitting my PRC application this year. Should I go ahead and make travel arrangements?
A: No. Please wait until after the PRC Application Review process is complete. You will want to consider all Reviewer feedback prior to making a final decision about attending the PRC process in December. Your application review will be complete by October 15th allowing plenty of time for travel arrangements.

Please feel free to email me any additional questions you might have.