PRI Credentialing Update

Thank you to everyone who submitted an application for Postural Restoration Certification (PRC)!

The application review process was completed on Friday and all applicants should now have received email notification of the feedback from our PRC Application Review Committee. If you did not receive this email, please contact me. We look forward to the educational process of PRC testing, scheduled for December 5-6.

Each year the process of PRC review is one that I personally find very gratifying, and this year was no exception. We received a record number of applications which demonstrate the passion and interest that so many therapists have for the PRI science. In turn, the reviewer feedback from our Committee of individuals who themselves have earned the designation of PRC, reaffirms the growth and excitement that we continue to see through this unique mentorship opportunity that is the application review.

Also, I would like to thank those who applied for our new credential of PRT!  The application review process for PRT is now underway. Please expect to receive your completed review on or before November 15th. The educational testing process of PRT is scheduled for January 9th. It is with much anticipation and excitement that we prepare for the first class of individuals to earn the designation of Postural Restoration Trained (PRT).