Returned Home to Vermont to Teach Myokinematic Restoration – Course in Review

Go Cats Go!! What fun this course was for me! But I guess they all are in one way or another huh? But… 25 years ago this May I graduated from the University of Vermont as a bright eyed and bushy tailed PT ready to take on the world. It is so nice to still be so bright eyed about my profession. Vermont, as most of you know is special to me, not only because I graduated from UVM, BUT both Chris (my husband) and I grew up in VT so going here to teach is also going home. I enjoyed a beautiful spring weekend. The trees were budding and so was the interest in learning about PRI. I had a great time with this group of PT’s, ATC’s, Strength Coaches, Massage Therapists, Wellness providers and one very special DC that I only wished I had more time to talk to about PRI.

I had the privilege of working with two friends and fellow PRC’s Holly Spence and Cory Healy as my lab assistants. These two are Pros and made my time that much more enjoyable.

What was even cooler was 3 soon to be DPT’s ready to graduate from UVM in just a few weeks were in the front row!  See “The Future of PT” and me pictured below.  Good luck to Johnny, Kathleen and Natalie from the Class of 2016! 

The UVM Athletic Medicine staff is also dear to my heart as my husband is a former consultant and teammate of the current staff.  Many a nights were spent cheering on the Catamounts. I was so thrilled to meet their new staff and see some familiar faces. Looking forward to helping the UVM staff take their student athletes to new heights with PRI in the mix.