Ron Hruska Presenting on the AAPMD Webinar

We are taking a break from our Tuesday night "PRI Breathing Mechanics in COVID Times" webinar series this week, as Ron Hruska will be presenting on the American Academy of Physiological Medicine and Dentistry (AAPMD) webinar!

The title for thir webinar is "AIRWAY MANAGEMENT: Implementing Interdisciplinary Concepts Associated with Forward Locomotor Movement". This webinar discussion will outline how the body is moved forward during forward locomotor effort and how this effort influences and auto-regulates nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx and larynx airflow. Three questions will be addressed.

  1. How does forward locomotor movement (FLM) influence pharyngeal and laryngeal movement of air?
  2. How can one implement change in FLM patterns and improve pharynx and larynx air flow? 
  3. And finally, how can attributes of FLM be maintained or optimized by “airway” inter-disciplinary minded professionals when FLM ends?

This free webinar is tomorrow, May 19th at 9pm ET/8pm CT. To register, CLICK HERE!