Testimonial from my work with baseball players

Mr. Hruska,

                After a number of us took your Postural Respiration course this winter, it opened our eyes to the very prevalent pattern displayed by a large number of our athletes.  We also took and have been using the Myokin course material with good results.  Now, we have since been using the AIC and BC tests and treatments and are coming up with amazing results.  As you know, in our population, GH IR is a huge topic and concern for us.  What we are finding after treating our BC athletes, there is on average a 10+ degree increase in GH IR!  That is huge for us and they are maintaining the increase.  We have also had a few athletes with long running problems with their shoulders become pain free with throwing after a day or two of the Respiration process.  We are excited about the baseball integration course here in November since the more we experiment with what we know, it only brings up more questions and ideas on how to implement it.

Clete Sigwart A.T.,C

Minor League Athletic Trainer

Cincinnati Reds