As a physical therapist who understands the problems and symptoms associated with low backs that are too extended or too deep, I feel troubled and uneasy when I see people with such extended backs. I find myself wanting to go up to strangers and persuade them to schedule an appointment with anyone they professionally trust, to help them understand what they can do to reduce the urge, need, or reason for arching their low back too much. Maybe I am just getting old, but I believe this is an epidemic. I travel a great deal, giving courses to physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, dentists, optometrists, etc. on Postural Restoration® and I see this extension epidemic, everywhere. Of course I have a cognitive bias toward those with deep backs, but again I really believe a significant amount of our respiratory, endurance and musculoskeletal issues arise from those who innocently do not know how to stop extending their backs.
We have professionals in our world today who do know how to help you reduce this extension. The only requirement, “you” have to ask for that help. The question you need to ask them is, “Can you help me or help me find someone who will help me learn what I need to do to reduce my back extension?” These professionals exist; they may be a physical therapist, a massage therapist, a yoga instructor, a personal trainer, etc. Reach out and extend your search for these people so you can feel better and live with a body that is not fighting itself. By extending this inquiry, your back extension and everything reflected by it should reduce, such as your possible back and neck muscle tightness, your irritability, your sleeplessness, your hip pinch and knee pain.
As humans we need other humans for help when our knowledge, education and ability is limited. Those who have as much passion as I do to reduce patterned and asymmetrical extension of the back are usually willing to integrate your daily activity in a highly demanding and physically challenging environment through “your” ability to do so. If you can’t find these passionate professionals, consider calling someone at the Hruska Clinic for consultation. They are physical therapists that will always keep your best interests and capabilities in mind and may actually need to consult with other professionals to reduce your extension. “Extend” this search today, so that you do “not need to extend” tomorrow.