Maryland Sports Care and Rehab in Urbana, MD hosted Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration this past weekend. With 28 attendees, this was our largest Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration course in the past couple years! Here’s what Ron had to say about his weekend in Maryland:
“I always become energized when I present information relating to temporal-mandibular-cervical-cranial function. Each of these regions have direct influence on the others and I believe this particular class reinforced the clinical issues that occur when temporal, cervical and mandibular function are influenced by cranial or sphenoid orientation. Genioglossus (tongue) activity was well-received and therefore, will be updated and reinforced in future courses. I want to thank all the attendees in the course, especially the two dentists who joined us, and the fabulous host site for a wonderful weekend!” – Ron Hruska