Weekend in Review

Bartlett, IL (Postural Respiration) – It was a pleasure to integrate all weekend with so many rehab professionals who are used to an integrated model of practice. A big thanks to Joel Anderson and also Pat, Mike and the entire staff at Olympia Chiropractic and Physical Therapy for being great hosts and for being so open to incorporating new ideas into what already started out as interdisciplinary practice model. Anita Panagiotis, PRC was a great assistant in the manual lab and throughout the course! Thanks for bringing your daughter Noelle to her first PRI course while she is still a student.  Loved having her. – James Anderson

Minneapolis, MN (Impingement & Instability) – It rained in Minnesota! So the entire class (that included several PRC therapists) was glad to be indoors. Enthusiastic questions and paradigm shifting each hour had the class room quaking as the thunder rolled. By Sunday afternoon we realized that the primary rainfall came in the form of information pouring down. So the lightning may have been electrical, but knowledge is power! – Mike Cantrell