Weekend in Review – Las Vegas, NV

Myokinematic Restoration – Las Vegas, NV

Returning to Las Vegas for Myokinematic Restoration was great for me because this is where my PT journey began over 20 years ago. Some of the more experienced attendees (yes Bob, I said experienced) knew people and places that were a big part of my life way back then. It was great to think through the history of my work experience, my education at UNLV and that this is where my young family started out. 

The nature and diversity of this group was fantastic. I loved that there were so many dynamic and sharp PTAs in attendance. I love the work PTAs are able to do in the world of PRI and have been blessed by their professionalism and support throughout my career. I also appreciated the opportunity to discuss how PRI addresses pathologically over-lengthened ligaments with the rehab professionals in attendance from the Cirque Du Soleil. Acrobats, gymnasts, contortionists, dancers, and other circus professionals can pose a unique challenge with the hyper-flexibility and instability elements required for their craft. 

And the weekend was special because it was a work trip that doubled as a daddy-daughter weekend. Meghan and I visited my Alma Mater UNLV, went to see David Copperfield at the MGM and got to enjoy the world class acrobatics and dance of the Cirque Du Soleil athletes in the production Michael Jackson One at the Mandalay Bay.  What a great time.

All the way from Singapore! Thanks Riesal Idries for coming to America to spend more time with us!