Weekend in Review – Ontario, Canada

O Canada! Cue the National Anthem! This weekend I was accompanied by my friend and colleague, Josh Olinick, PT, PRC as my lab assistant. I enjoyed submersing myself in the “PRI think tank”  with Josh on the way to Windsor, Ontario. We read and reviewed the latest article that was found and posted on the PRI webite by Jason Masek, “The Effect of Pelvic Tilt on Radiographic Markers of Acetabular Coverage”.  What a great addition to the Myokinematics of the Hip and Pelvis course. The entire course I was able to connect AF position with the author’s findings of radiographic markers and how POSITION matters! Better yet was when host, Ryan Thomas told the class the reason he got interested in PRI was after reading the article “The Value of Blowing up a Balloon” co-authored by Josh and Dr. Kyndy Boyle, PT, PRC.

We finished the weekend with Josh explaining the science behind the Balloon exercise. This was a nice transition for those planning on attending the Postural Respiration course in Windsor next year.

Of the 21 attendees, 18 of them were hearing about PRI for the first time and they were following right along! They left excited about integrating PRI into the clinic, strength and conditioning facility and classroom! Thank you Richard, Ryan and the rest of the staff from Western Ontario Sports Injuries and Rehab for your excellent hospitality! 

Of course there are Yellow VW's in Canada too!