Community News

Welcome to the Postural Restoration Community! This is where you will read the latest industry news, hear about upcoming events, find helpful deadline reminders, and view a plethora of additional resources regarding our techniques and curriculum. The great part about it is--not only can you can view the entries we post, you can also post about the things that matter to you. Did you find an interesting article about a technique you learned in one of your courses? Do you have a patient case study you want to share with other professionals? Simply click "Submit an Entry" and follow the easy steps towards getting your information published in the PRI Community!

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Our 2012 brochures were mailed on December 19th. If you did not receive a brochure by mail, please email us with your updated contact information. You can also CLICK HERE and HERE to view an electronic version. Be advised that our 2012 brochure is 30 pages so fill up your ink supply before printing! Or save the ink and print our 2-page calendar.

Please note that the information provided on page 25 of the brochure concerning PRT is subject to update.

Check out the latest blog story written by Jennifer Gloystein, DPT, ATC, PRC on treadmills and television.  Click HERE!

The 4th Annual PRC/PRT Conference will be held Saturday, April 21, 2012 in Lincoln, Nebraska. The conference follows Interdisciplinary Integration and will be held at the Postural Restoration Institute. 

If you have earned the designation of PRC or are scheduled to complete the PRT credentialing process in January then this conference is for you!

Please contact Liz McCulley to sign-up, request to present, or share your ideas for presentation topics. The PRC conference is planned by a group of PRC volunteers each year.  This year’s committee includes Liz McCulley, Scott Pruitt, Raulan Young, and Jen Poulin.

I am honored to announce today the Postural Restoration Certified class of 2011. PRC is the result of completing multiple advanced PRI courses, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the science through completion of the PRC application, and successfully participating in both clinical and analytical testing.  To date, 79 therapists have earned the designation of Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) under the direction of Ron Hruska and James Anderson.

The Postural Restoration Institute® established this certification process in 2004 as a way to recognize and identify individuals with advanced training, extraordinary interest and devotion to the science of postural adaptations, asymmetrical patterns and the influence of polyarticular chains of muscles on the human body as defined by the Postural Restoration Institute®.  Certification is available to physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and occupational therapists who have completed the requirements.

PRC therapists offer a unique approach to physical medicine called Postural Restoration. This approach addresses underlying biomechanics which can often lead to symptoms of pain and dysfunction. All mechanical influences on the body that restrict movement and contribute to improper joint and muscle position are considered, examined, and assessed. Manual and non-manual techniques are utilized to restore proper alignment of the body while proper respiratory dynamics are considered. Treatment encompasses prevention and lifetime integration for long-term successful outcomes.


Pictured from left to right (front row: Jon Hupp, Karen Taylor Soiles, Michael Mullin, Alanna Cooley, Kathy Metzger, second row: Lori Thomsen, Scott Kosola, Louise Kelley, Jeanne DeKrey, Jennifer Gloystein, Sarah Petrich, Janie Ebmeier, Ron Hruska, third row: Joe Pope, David Drummer, Aaron DeBord, Stephanie Boespflug, Christie Thames, back row: James Anderson, Sean Fitzgerald, Kurt Weidauer, Josh Olinick).

Check out the latest blog from PRC Jason Masek called “A Little Bit more about NEUTRAL”

Check out our latest interview with Karen Jiran, MPT, PRC by clicking HERE!

Doman stwierdza, że “ funkcjonalnie zorganizowane dziecko będzie miało dominującą dłoń, stopę, ucho i oko po tej same stronie. Jeżeli dziecku brakuje dominacji którejś części ciała po głównej stronie, będzie to odzwierciedlało pewien stopień dysorganizacji neurologicznej ciała” (Doman (1987) states that ‘a completely organized child will have a dominant hand, foot, ear, and eye, which will be all on the same side. If the child lacks complete dominance in any area or does not exhibit dominance on the same side, it’s a reflection of a degree of neurological disorganization’ (“Learning Disabilities and Organization” Volume 7 No. 1, J. of the National Association for Child Development Foundation ) 
Na podstawie powyższego stwierdzenia i według założeń funckjonalnych PRI możemy zauważyć, że wszystkie trzy główne kości (kość krzyżowa, mostek, kość klinowa) będą położone w prawej rotacji w dominujących łańcuchach mięśniowych lewego przedniego wewnetrznego( L AIC- left anterior interior chain), prawego ramiennego ( R BC- right brachial chain) i prawego skroniowo-żuchwowo- szyjnego ( R TMCC- right temporal-mandibular-cervical chain ). Kręgosłup będzie zorientowany (nie zrotowany *) do prawej strony jako wynik pozycji kości krzyżowej. Rotacja ze względu na zwiększone napięcie stawowe będzie w większości przypadów nieporządana i świadczy o kompensacji ciała. Kolejnym elementem przemawiającym za orientacją kręgosłupa lędźwiowego, czyli utrzymaniem tego odcinka we względnej pozycji neutralnej, jest mały zakres rotacji kręgów lędźwiowych (średnio około 1-2 stopni pomiędzy każdym z nich). Wszyscy pacjenci, którzy będą w w/w pozycji, będą w większości przypadków reagowali na leczenie bez większych komplikacji .
Natomiast pacjenci, u których wystąpi kompensacyjna rotacja kręgosłupa lędźwiowego będą mieli problemy z osiągnięciem pozcji neutralnej głownych kości w/w kompleksów.

*Wyjątek mogą stanowić dwa dolne kręgi lędźwiowe, które mogą być minimalnie zrotowane w prawą stronę poprzez napięcię lewego mięśnia lędźwiowego w łańcuchu L AIC

In this video, Lori Thomsen, MPT, PRC discusses how devices such as the Power Lung could help your physical therapy program!  You can order the Power Lung HERE!

Airway & The Anterior Neck
Thursday, April 19th – Friday, April 20th, 2012

Our 4th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration course brings together six highly regarded professionals to share their expertise on the subject of airway and the anterior neck. This symposium will include interactive discussion on the anatomy, neurology and mechanics of the airway and the anterior neck. Emphasis will be place on how to manage the nasal and oral airway both during sleep and upright function. Upper airway obstruction and influences on respiratory and laryngeal function, from asymmetrical torsional alignment of the cranium, neck and thorax, post-traumatic vertigo, cervical trauma, postural pathomechanics and respiratory imbalance will be offered.

Chris Cederberg, MD
Marina Gilman, M.M., M.A. CCC-SLP
Michael Hoefs, DDS, DABCP, FAACP, FADI
Ron Hruska, MPA, PT
Jonathan A. Parker, DDS
Heidi Wise, OD, FCOVD

Learn how to bring your right hip forward, the “right” way! Check out Lori’s latest video running blog.

PRI speaker Jen Poulin was in Minneapolis, MN the weekend of October 22-23, 2011, teaching a Myokinematic Restoration course. Here is a great quote from one of the attendees!

“Mind-blowing. I feel there’s a whole realm I can tie this into in my training but no idea where yet.”

Last week Gregory Parfianowicz traveled to Poland to educate a group of therapists and dentists on Postural Respiration and Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration.  We asked Gregory a few questions about his trip…

Who was in attendance?
We had physical therapists, dentists, dental technicians and orthodontists attending a 2-day PRI overview course with emphasis on “Cervical-Cranial -Mandibular Restoration”.
I was impressed that so many dentists are considering, if not already , working closely with physical therapists (at least 3 attendees have extra room in their office for PT and employ one on part time basis).

Why do you think there is an interest from the dentists in that area?
I believe that dentists and orthodontists in Poland are becoming even more concerned with patients not responding fully to their treatment and the patients are breaking appliances/crowns more often on the left side than right. They are concerned with those patients negatively advertising their practice in cases where they are being charged for the service which didn’t work.
By the end of each day we had a discussion going all over the room with suggestions, it wasn’t one way communication, it was sharing information between each profession to help the patient.
One dentist sent a text to her husband during lunch on the first day- “Before I do any type of tooth work, including fillings, I need to contact and discuss the case with the patient’s physical therapist, optometrist, and psychiatrist.”

Do you have any future plans for PRI courses in Poland?
We hope to do the next course for “teams” of physical therapists and dentists in the spring of 2012 and hopefully another Myokinematic Restoration course for physical therapists as well.