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Shine Integrative Physical Therapy in Portland, Oregon is growing and we are looking for a physical therapist to join our team. The ideal candidate has Postural Restoration education, but we are willing to train and mentor the right person. This current opportunity is a part-time position and has the potential to grow to a full-time position.

Shine is the first Postural Restoration Center in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, is home to two PRC therapists, and is the birthplace of Postural Restoration®-Inspired Yoga. We are an independently-owned clinic with motivated clients, an attached yoga studio, and a team of complementary providers offering acupuncture, massage therapy, and Rolfing. 

For consideration, please send your resumé and cover letter to

Zapraszamy na konferencję pt. „Interdyscyplinarność w procesie odbudowy postawy ciała i funkcji organizmu; Fizjoterapia / Optometria / Podologia / Ortodoncja”, która odbędzie się 29 marca w Opolu. Specjaliści z czterech dziedzin medycyny połączą swoje doświadczenie w jednym celu – odbudowy postawy ciała i funkcji organizmu. Prelegentami będą goście z USA. Będzie bardzo ciekawie!!!

Szczegółowe informacje na stronie

Postural Respiration (Indianapolis, IN) – “I had the awesome opportunity to travel with Ron to Indianapolis this past weekend, and boy was it fun! We had a great group of strength and conditioning coaches, ATC's, Chiropractors, PT's, PTA's, and PT students (including 5 from Washington University in St. Louis – thanks again Joe!) come together to learn about the influence that the diaphragm, ZOA and ribcage has on position, and how to integrate respiration and positioning into each of their professions. Thank you to Bill and Mike at IFAST for hosting such a wonderful course and for mentoring so many young bright minds (this feature image is the IFAST family featuring staff, former interns and students). Quite impressive! Ron was pretty bummed to hear the restaurant was out of ribs on Friday night, but he made up for it on Saturday night by ordering the “right rack” of ribs, and then even demonstrating right trunk rotation! – Jen Gloystein

Impingement & Instability (Dallas, TX) – “The weekend started beautifully and the Texans in the class were great! Then the weather turned awful as the ice storm hit on Sunday. When we finished….we scrambled for the exits and took off for home! All in all a fun time and a slip-n-slide back home!” – Mike Cantrell

PRI now has Instagram! Follow us at PosturalRestoration for the latest photos in courses, clinical information, or Ron being well… Ron.

Michal Niedzielski, along with Dr. Paul Coffin will be presenting at a conference titled: “Interdisciplinarity in the Process of Restoring Posture and Function of the Body” (Physiotherapy/Optometr/Podiatry/Dentistry). The conference will be held on March 29th in Opole, Poland. Detailed information can be found HERE (however you must understand Polish to learn more.

Speakers include: Paul Coffin, DPM; Larry Wallace, OD; Michal Niedzielski, PT, PRC and Jolanta Jarka, DDS

Following this one day conference, Michal will also be teaching a Myokinematic Restoration course, which he translated and has taught in Poland a few years ago as well!

Some of you might have recently seen this video trending on Facebook and Twitter, and I am thrilled to see that it is available to view on the NSCA website! Last January, Ron Hruska and Mike Arthur presented at the 2013 NSCA Coaches Conference in Nashville, Tenessee. Their presentation was titled Postural Restoration: A New Tool for the Coaching Tool Box. To watch this presentation, CLICK HERE!

Portland, OR (Postural Respiration) – Had a fantastic weekend in Portland talking breathing and neurology with Emily, Tina and company at Shine Yoga. Besides an awesome group of yoga professionals, we were blessed with a strong combination of physical therapists, chiropractors, strength and conditioning professionals and pilates instructors. It was great to have two staff members from the University of Oregon and two performance professionals from Nike. Go Ducks! Thank you Emily, not only for being such a great host, but for all the extra time you took with me to go over the PRI integration for Yoga course material. So exciting! You're doing a fantastic job expanding PRI's influence in the great Northwest. And lastly, thank you Chris for the great seats to the Trailblazers Timberwolves game. I had a ball and couldn't have asked for better seats. #ripcity – James Anderson

Frederick, MD (Pelvis Restoration) – Maryland had wonderful weather this past weekend despite 19 inches of snow the prior weekend.  Despite the 58 to 60 degree temperatures, practitioners in the area stayed inside to learn Pelvis Restoration.  Twelve attendees were attending their first PRI course!  I felt the concept of inhibition was really brought home this past weekend, especially of the left anterior inlet to allow for integration not only of the pelvic and respiratory diaphragm, but frontal plane of the left innominate.  It’s humbling teaching many wonderful practitioners and satisfying when they have “light bulb moments.”  Worth the trip!!!  Thank you so much Maryland Sports and Rehab and Erin and Chris Roosa. – Lori Thomsen

Emily Soiney, PT, DPT, CST, RYT, PRC recently had an article “Taking Yoga to the Next Level – Postural Restortion-Inspired Yoga for the Athlete: The Sagittal Plane” published in the Performance Conditioning newsletter. This article is the first of a series of articles that will be published by Emily in the Performance Conditioning newsletter. If you are interested in how Emily integrates Postural Restoration™ with Yoga, be sure to check out this great article!

Emily will also be teaching the first PRI Integration for Yoga affiliate course in Portland, OR on September 13-14, 2014. To register for the two day course, CLICK HERE!

In May of 2006, I taught a Postural Respiration course in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  I met Julie Hereford for the first time at that course and was in awe of her knowledge on the subject of sleep.  She was asked to be a presenter at the 2010 PRI Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium and along with Dr. J. Paul Rutledge, they introduced sleep to us like no one had before.  Dr. Julie Hereford, PT, DPT has now published a book that will provide rehabilitation professionals with a source of information that will help them gain a better understanding of sleep and its impact on the rehabilitation process.  If you want to know how sleep can increase cortisol levels or reduce glucose tolerance or increase sympathetic nervous system activity, you will enjoy this read.  Dr. Hereford has always been an advocate of sleep being tied to consolidation of motor learning.  “It follows that dysfunctional sleep may interfere with the ability to incorporate particular restorative movement patterns that are learned and practiced during a rehabilitation session unless the appropriate stage of sleep is achieved within a specific time frame.”  I believe the reader and clinician will not be disappointed with any of the four sections of this book and will be introduced to disordered sleep as it relates to systemic challenging disease and dysfunctional patterns.  Therefore, Sleep and Rehabilitation: A Guide for Health Professionals is a must for book shelves of those who appreciate the need for sleep and its intricate effects on performance.

Check out the most recent email clinical question, in which James helps explain the role that the diaphragm and abdominals play in spinal rotation below T8. CLICK HERE to learn more! You can also see several other recent emails in the archives which might help answer some of your other burning questions!

Myokinematic Restoration – Las Vegas, NV

Returning to Las Vegas for Myokinematic Restoration was great for me because this is where my PT journey began over 20 years ago. Some of the more experienced attendees (yes Bob, I said experienced) knew people and places that were a big part of my life way back then. It was great to think through the history of my work experience, my education at UNLV and that this is where my young family started out. 

The nature and diversity of this group was fantastic. I loved that there were so many dynamic and sharp PTAs in attendance. I love the work PTAs are able to do in the world of PRI and have been blessed by their professionalism and support throughout my career. I also appreciated the opportunity to discuss how PRI addresses pathologically over-lengthened ligaments with the rehab professionals in attendance from the Cirque Du Soleil. Acrobats, gymnasts, contortionists, dancers, and other circus professionals can pose a unique challenge with the hyper-flexibility and instability elements required for their craft. 

And the weekend was special because it was a work trip that doubled as a daddy-daughter weekend. Meghan and I visited my Alma Mater UNLV, went to see David Copperfield at the MGM and got to enjoy the world class acrobatics and dance of the Cirque Du Soleil athletes in the production Michael Jackson One at the Mandalay Bay.  What a great time.

All the way from Singapore! Thanks Riesal Idries for coming to America to spend more time with us!

We’re excited to introduce Courtney Plucknett as the new Education Coordinator to the PRI team! Courtney started just about two weeks ago and is already digging into the marketing, advertising and coordinating of PRI courses. She will act as the main contact for scheduling, advertising/marketing and hosting furture PRI courses. To find out more about Courtney, CLICK HERE!