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As many of you know, shoes are always changing. The Hruska Clinic has updated their shoe list, and you can access it HERE! The Asics Foundations are still expected to make their return in early January, so keep your eye out for more information as we near the New Year!

Wellsboro, PA (Myokinematic Restoration) – I had a great weekend teaching a Myokinematics of the Hip and Pelvis in Wellsboro, PA.  Wellsboro is a quaint little town home to the Grand Canyon!  Who knew? The majority of the group of PT’s, ATC’s and massage therapists were all taking their first PRI course. It never gets old watching new clinicians switch gears from an orthopedic mindset to the power of Respiration and Neurology. I often find a few clinicians that become “My Key Muscles” for the course. Here I am flanked by two good sports, Dan the Man Right Glut Max on my right and Eyebrows Eric was my Left Glut Medius. I just love teaching this course for the Postural Restoration Institute. I look forward to taking a break from a busy fall schedule to spend time with my family and enjoy the holiday season! Thanks to all my students in 2013 for sharing their insights and laughing at my not always funny jokes! Peace.- Jen Poulin

Salem, OR (Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration) – “This TMCC course was enhanced not only by the forward thinking, well-prepared attendees, but by a cranio-mandibular dentist who contributed greatly. What a great opportunity for future course attendees….find a local dentist to work with and get them to come to the course with you. Salem Health is a great host site! This course will continue to evolve in the future and bridge thoracic-pelvic treatment to cranio function and OA position, as a result of experiences that I had at Salem and will have at other future presentations.” – Ron Hruska

Recently Ron Hruska and I went to the Univeristy of Nebraska to sit down with the Director of Strength & Conditioning, Mike Arthur to discuss the “Arthur Squat Model”. To learn more about this model, check out the video below. The Arthur Squat Model can be purchased for $50 (plus shipping) by calling the Postural Restoration Institute at 888.691.4583 or email Jen.

YouTube video

Julie Blandin, PT, ATC, CSCS, PRC was featured this week in a 2nd interview with Joe Heiler on This was a follow-up to the webinar that she presented on in May.

CLICK HERE to access Julie's most recent interview (if you are not a member, you can do a trial session). You might also want to check out some other interviews and articles about PRI on, featuring: Ron Hruska, Neil Rampe, Michael Mullin and Kevin Neeld.

PRC therapist Oliver Hall recently emailed me this great article, Right thoracic curvature in the normal spine. This article has been added to the PRI library and also the reference list for the Advanced Integration course, where nearly a full day is spent discussing curvature of the spine.

If you are hoping to attend the Advanced Integration course in Lincoln, NE on December 5-8th, I would recommend registering soon! Only 8 spots remain available for this four day course, which is offered only once a year. You can register online or by calling us at 888-691-4583!

CLICK HERE to check out the new featured interview with Chris Poulin, ATC, CSCS, PES, PRT. In this interview, Chris talks about his recent trip to consult with European professional golfers in Great Britain, as well as his new business in Pinehurst, North Carolina!

O Canada! Cue the National Anthem! This weekend I was accompanied by my friend and colleague, Josh Olinick, PT, PRC as my lab assistant. I enjoyed submersing myself in the “PRI think tank”  with Josh on the way to Windsor, Ontario. We read and reviewed the latest article that was found and posted on the PRI webite by Jason Masek, “The Effect of Pelvic Tilt on Radiographic Markers of Acetabular Coverage”.  What a great addition to the Myokinematics of the Hip and Pelvis course. The entire course I was able to connect AF position with the author’s findings of radiographic markers and how POSITION matters! Better yet was when host, Ryan Thomas told the class the reason he got interested in PRI was after reading the article “The Value of Blowing up a Balloon” co-authored by Josh and Dr. Kyndy Boyle, PT, PRC.

We finished the weekend with Josh explaining the science behind the Balloon exercise. This was a nice transition for those planning on attending the Postural Respiration course in Windsor next year.

Of the 21 attendees, 18 of them were hearing about PRI for the first time and they were following right along! They left excited about integrating PRI into the clinic, strength and conditioning facility and classroom! Thank you Richard, Ryan and the rest of the staff from Western Ontario Sports Injuries and Rehab for your excellent hospitality! 

Of course there are Yellow VW's in Canada too!


The PRC/PRT quarterly update email has been sent, so please check your email!

As a doctor of chiropractic, PRI has added a new dimension to my practice that is making a huge difference with patient outcomes and my professional satisfaction.  Here are links to my first two articles in Dynamic Chiropractic on “Unlocking the Secrets of the Pelvis”.Part 1 , “Unlocking the Secrets of the Pelvis” Part 2 and  “Breathe Well and Breath Often” Part 3 which refers to “Big D”, the Zone of Apposition and Blowing up a Balloon. PRI is an essential tool for your treatment toolbox!

PRC therapist Jason Masek came across a great article last week, "The Effect of Pelvic Tilt on Radiographic Markers of Acetabular Coverage", published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine in August 2013. This article discusses the importance of considering pelvic alignment when reading radiographs of the pelvis and hip. According to the article, "it is reported that small changes of pelvic inclination are capable of altering the radiographic appearance of acetabular retroversion and could result in misguided surgical decompression."

In conclusion, "the present study illustrates that alternations in pelvic tilt are capable of significantly influencing numerous measures of acetabular coverage and may affect surgical decision making. Clinically. these data underscore the imporatnce of recognizing that a variation in pelvic alignment will influence the interpretation of anteroposterior pelvic radiographs in the setting of young adult hip disorders. However, these data, combined with the known variability in pelvic tilt among patients, challenge traditional imaging standardization practices and bring into question the optimal position for pelvic imaging in the young adult hip."

The article is unfortunately not available free online, but can be accessed for a fee here.

While there was only one course held this past weekend, it looks like it was a great one (check out these pictures)! I keep getting great feedback from course attendees about the newest PRI Affiliate course, PRI Integration for the Home Health Clinician. Here is what James Anderson had to say about the weekend!

Woodbury, MN (PRI Integration for the Home Health Clinician) – “I was in Minneapolis, Minnesota and I didn’t get snowed-in, so that in itself makes it a good trip. But when you throw in the fantastic group of PRI enthusiasts that attended this course and a topic like “Respiration and Alternating Reciprocal Motion”, it was definitely a great weekend.  A big thank you to Robin at Woodwinds Hospital for hosting and to Carrie Langer for being such a great assistant. PRI has definitely grown and evolved since Carrie and I sat together in the first class of PRC applicants back in 2004.

The group did a great job appreciating that this Home Integration course is more of a hybrid of Impingement and Instability and Advanced Integration material than it is an oversimplified PRI course for geriatrics in the home. The amount of clinical application ideas was a pleasant surprise to everyone in attendance and they could see ways to use the new ideas in multiple settings. It’s neat when you can present to an experienced group of PRC caliber clinicians and see light bulbs come on because of the integrated way the material has been put together. This is why I love writing and teaching PRI!” – James Anderson