There are a few seats available for the rescheduled Postural Respiration course in Portland, OR on February 22-23, 2014! Click HERE to get signed up today!
There are a few seats available for the rescheduled Postural Respiration course in Portland, OR on February 22-23, 2014! Click HERE to get signed up today!
“What Introductory PRI Course Should I Take First?”
Hello PRI world of thinkers and learners! Jesse Ham here, chiming in on a topic that has been and will continue to be a worth-while discussion: What is the best way to get clinicians engaged into looking at movement through a PRI lens? Or, put another way, what PRI introductory course will be the best to take first? There really isn’t a right or wrong answer. This is my impression from my experience personally as a clinician and from listenting to others' responses after they have taken various courses.
If we were all blessed with Ron Hruska’s ability to shift paradigms, take in seemingly limitless amounts of information, integrate it together and apply what we learned, then there would be a simple solution. We would all take a week-long PRI Introductory course called Postural Myokinematic-Pelvis-Respiration Restoration. Not only does this title not fit on the front of a manual, it’s a mouthful to pronounce, much less digest and apply all at once.
Even if we could get a week off consecutively to attend such a course, most of us will be on “new information maximum” somewhere between the afternoon of the first day and mid-morning of the second day. After taking my first Myokinematic Restoration Course “four score and seven-plus years ago,” I recall the need to work with it on many patients, review the manual, PRI blogs and emails, and just process the base concepts for quite some time. So, since the best introductory course is a bit bulky, I pose a feasible strategy for where to begin taking the three introductory courses, Postural Respiration, Pelvis Restoration and Myokinematic Restoration.
To do so, I will take a small tangent here: Before I was aware of this Institute, in fact before I went to PT school, I was aware that clinicians struggled mightily treating IS (Ilio-Sacral) joint dysfunction. There were seemingly as many special tests and strategies for treating this joint as there were clinicians and instructors. Some said the IS joint didn’t move at all, others said it needed to be manually mobilized if it wasn't functioning properly. Every static and dynamic imaging study had been done, with conclusions that gave very little insight from a clinician’s standpoint. I studied Cyriax and all the derivatives up to Mulligan's work presently, I studied Gary Gray’s viewpoint. I reviewed the various clinicians’ work who were, in part, responsible for muscle energy techniques to continually self-mobilize the ilium on the sacrum. There are many more who contributed to this IS joint's body of research and treatment techniques, I have merely brushed over a few. The take home here is that after PT school and several years of practice, I had no definitive answers as to how to affect the position of this joint and maintain that effect for my patients as they moved in a triplanar world of forces.
Then I started to take on the world of PRI and its viewpoint as to how to effect this IS joint's position. As I became more adept at utilizing PRI concepts, I was far more successful at treating maladies related to IS dysfunction. But there were still some patients that I had to constantly reposition, those who were never free of a relatively constant “HEP.” Far too many (~20-25%) of these patterned IS dysfunction patients were “better” but not well. They still needed consistent intervention, were not integrated and therefore I was not happy. Loose ends and unanswered questions still bothered me for some of my IS patients.
Along came Lori Thomsen and later Jen Poulin teaching Pelvis Restoration. Mind you, the concepts of pelvis position are woven into Postural Respiration and Myokinematic Restoration, and this discussion does not apply strictly to IS dysfunction–that was just one of my conundrum diagnoses that I use as an example here. But from my experience I was not as effective at those “tough ones” that we all have until I began to appreciate the position of an inlet and an outlet of a pelvis. Specifically, how that inlet and outlet position enables me to integrate a thorax with lower extremities optimally to allow a patient to attain reciprocal, alternating function and live their lives free from the bondage of perpetual, unsustainable diagnosis-specific exercises to maintain their function.
The above is my abbreviated rationale to the question I posed for the title of this piece. For those of you who skipped to the end of the book and like short answers, mine is this:
If I had it to do again, I’d take Pelvis Restoration first, followed relatively closely by Myokinematic Restoration and Postural Respiration.
Thanks for taking the time to review this blog. I will enjoy reading your experiences and story about what introductory worked well for each of you!
Myokinematic Restoration (Dallas, TX) – For those of you who follow me on twitter (@jenpoulinpt) You would have appreciated my Friday travel tweet “I’m about to mess with Texas! #priparadigmshift #dotheyhaveholecontrolinTexas? #myokin2014” and my Sunday travel tweet “I left the mark of the Big D on Dallas!!
Well they say everything is Bigger in Texas and that couldn’t have been closer to the truth! It was great to see this group of new clinicians and trainers develop their Texas Ginormous appreciation for respiration and asymmetry that match the Everythings Bigger in Texas theme! From airports to shopping malls to cowboy boots, (yeah I bought those), I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Texas with an energetic group of professional from PTs, PTAs, ATCs, and Personal Trainers. Tim and Greg are going to PRI-up their Cross-Fit Gym in San Antonio and revolutionize the Cross-Fit industry with proper breathing and position so their athletes win those competitions and better yet, don’t get hurt! – Jen Poulin
Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration (Pitman, NJ) – Last weekend was evolutionary for me, because I truly now see how this course will continue to evolve in the area of managing dysautonomia, orthostatic hypotension, vocal cord dysfunction, foramen magnum control, rectus capitis stabilization, hyoid positional influence on the omohyoid, and more. This group of course attendees made this possible. It was a multidisciplinary event that I will not forget. Kevin Neeld, thank you for hosting another PRI course and making your growing kith so comfortable. – Ron Hruska
Hello! I am proud to report that our clinic, Launch Sport Performance, as well as our staff, Liz Wheeler, PRC, and TJ Burns were featured in the Washington Post this week. You can read the full article here!
I have received a few excellent journal articles recently discussing the diaphragm! If you are interested in reading more about the anatomy of the diaphragm, and the role of the diaphram (more than just respiration), then be sure to check out these new references. They have been added to the PRI Library, as well as the reference list for the Postural Respiration course. And, the best news of all is that they are all available as Free PDF's online (see links below). Enjoy!
Diaphragm Postural Function Analysis Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PLOS ONE)
Imaging of the Diaphragm: Anatomy and Function (RadioGraphics)
Brain & Spine Therapy Services, located at St. Luke's Hospital and staffed by Professional Rehab Partners, is seeking a full-time Physical Therapist. Our clinic specializes in chronic and surgical back and neck pain, balance and vestibular dysfunctions. Position includes comprehensive benefit package and very competitive salary. Please send resume or questions to
Due to the Winter Storm in Portland, OR, the Postural Respiration course scheduled for this weekend at Shine Integrative Physical Therapy has been CANCELLED! The course has been rescheduled for February 22-23, 2014. Please check your email for additional information. Our apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding of the situation.
PRI goes to Sochi!
7 of the 10 athletes that comprise the USA luge team are posturally trained. Sean Fitzgerald MPT, PRC of Transitions Physical Therapy in Vermont has been working with the US luge team for the past 3 years. The challenges of a sports that is reliant on transverse power and sagittal mobility for an optimal start, followed by a ride dependent on the ability to remain as inhibited as possible lends itself very well to the postural approach.
Ron Hruska was featured in the first interview of 2014 with Joe Heiler on In this interview, Ron discusses how his life experiences have helped him to develop the Postural Restoration Institute (PRI), as well as looking at the interplay between systems and pattern predictability, polyarticular chains and the importance of inhibiting muscles, PRI treatment goals, squat patterning including thoughts on powering the squat through the respiratory system, and a whole lot more…
The interview can be accessed HERE on the free version of the website.
Austin Physical Therapy is looking for highly qualified candidates to join our team as we look to expand our practice into various parts of Huntsville/ Madison area. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of a growing, dynamic practice that offers an innovative and personal approach to spine and back pain management, sports medicine, physical therapy, neurological conditions and injury prevention. We help our patients understand the biomechanics and kinematics of their bodies natural movement, giving them the knowledge and tools to restore a more efficient movement pattern and prevent additional injury. We pride ourselves in delivering excellent patient care that is not the cookie-cutter PT visit experience. Service Aptitude and continued learning are priorities to ensure our therapists have a foundation to provide the level of care our patients deserve.
Qualified candidates will be fully licensed in the state of Alabama and should either be familiar with PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) or be interested in learning. Interests in specialty areas or interests to learn are a plus, ie.SFMA, Balance Training, Womens Health, Pediatrics, Sports Performance. We offer a strong competitive salary and a limited benefits package. Interested candidates should email us at with their resume and salary requirements.
St. Louis, MO (Pelvis Restoration) – St. Louis was rockin’ PRI this past weekend. We had a full course with strength and conditioning coaches, PT’s, PTA’s, Athletic Trainers, and a MD. Integrating professionals and integrating respiratory and pelvic diaphragms. I feel the class appreciated how stance and swing phase positions influences the ability for these diaphragms to ascend or descend. Ironically, as we know in PRI, these positions are not occurring at the same time during gait. Therefore, left stance and right swing phase positions influence left and right respiratory and pelvic diaphragm position. They got it! – Lori Thomsen
Mike Cantrell is hiring… AGAIN!
The Cantrell Center in Georgia is currently looking to hire a PT with knowledge of PRI principles. We now have 4 PRC’s in the clinic. Mike Cantrell is a faculty member for the Postural Restoration Institute. He is growing his staff and this opportunity is one that doesn’t come along often. You can contact Mary Oakley PT, CHT at the Cantrell Center at for more information.
Located in Warner Robins, Georgia, the Cantrell Center is located in the Middle of the state! Just a quick drive to Atlanta or the beach, Warner Robins offers convenience to any interest without the crime rate and elevated costs of a larger city. Visit the website of The Warner Robins Area Chamber of Commerce for more information about the city of Warner Robins.
What makes The Cantrell Center a great place to work?
As part of the Cantrell Center Team, you will collaborate with dedicated individuals while building your own career. This is a place where each team member’s gifts and experiences come together – creating an atmosphere of integrity, encouragement, and most of all – a place where patient care is paramount.
To learn more about The Cantrell Center for Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine…
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