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Impingment and Instability – “After teaching the Impingement and Instability course in Everett, Washington, I reflected on the significance of this course and its objectives as they relate to inherent stability. We all have some degree of instability and some degree of stability….but choosing the amount of each will not be possible if one can't transition from the sagittal plane to the frontal and from the frontal to the transver plane. Both this course and the Postural Visual Integration course offer guidelines on 'transitional' stability.” – Ron Hruska

Myokinematic Restoration – “I traveled to Montgomery, Alabama and taught Myokinematic Restoration to a small group of 15 eager PT’s, PTA’s and Pilates instructors.  All the PT’s and PTA’s (except one PT) were brand new to PRI and its principles and the entire class seemed very interested and excited to learn more about this fascinating science!” – Mike Cantrell 

This is one of the best weeks of the year in PRI. It's so exciting to see all the Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) applications that have been rolling in over the past week, and continue to do so! I am anticipating our biggest PRC class yet! Thanks to everyone who has applied. You will receive feedback from the review committee within 4-6 weeks.

Missoula, MT (Pelvis Restoration) – "What a great weekend in MT teaching Pelvis Restoration!  Missoula, MT reminded me a lot of Burlington, VT.  I even had Aric in the course who understood the real VT state bird is not the Hermit Thrush, but the "Geezum Crow!". Thanks Aric for helping me feel at home on the other side of the country!  This group featured new attendees and seasoned PRI therapists.  It was fun to challenge those hearing about the science for the first time, and the ‘Big Sky moments’ of those familiar with PRI.  I myself felt the need for some Inlet inhibition after climbing the ‘M’ trail on Thursday afternoon.  The views were spectacular along with the hospitality of this group!  I look forward to any opportunity to visit my new friends in MT in the future!" – Jen Poulin



As many of you have probably noticed, we have launched our new website! There are some new features on our website we would like to announce:

1) Personal account/login – Not only does this make it easier to register for courses, but it also stores your history of purchases (both products and courses), and also allows you access to post news, articles, etc. on the community page! See more about that below.

2) Community page – Welcome to the Postural Restoration Community! This is where you will read the latest industry news, hear about upcoming events, find helpful deadline reminders, and view a plethora of additional resources regarding our techniques and curriculum. The great part about it is–not only can you can view the entries we post, you can also post about the things that matter to you. Did you find an interesting article about a technique you learned in one of your courses? Do you have a patient case study you want to share with other professionals? Simply click “Submit an Entry” and follow the easy steps towards getting your information published in the PRI Community!

3) Calendar on the home page – This calendar will include all upcoming PRI courses, as well as other events (for example: Michael Mullin presenation at the Perform Better Summit or PRC testing). If you are a PRC or PRT provider, and have any upcoming speaking engagements, be sure to let us know and we will add it to the calendar!

While sometimes change can be difficult, we couldn't be more excited to have this new website up and running! We hope you are excited too. If you have any difficulty navigating through the website, setting up an account, or registering for a course, please contact us via email or by calling 888-691-4583!

If you haven't seen it already, be sure to check out the webinar provided by Michael Mullin, ATC, PTA, PRC on or The webinar is titled “Applying PRI-Specific Corrective Exercises For An Improved Functional Foundation”. 

While it’s hard to believe, September is upon us already! A reminder that PRC applications are due on September 15th. Since this date falls on a Sunday, applications must be postmarked by Saturday, September 14th.

Please note that the application has been updated slightly, and verification of your current PT or OT licensure status is required (a photocopy of your current license is sufficient). Also a reminder to included all five articles used in the critical research review section.

If you have any questions as you finish up your PRC application, please email me!

Ron Hruska will be teaching Postural Respiration in Lincoln on Sept 27-28th, and the early registration deadline is this Friday. In addition to receiving the early registration rate, please call us to receive a one time offer of 15% off tuition for this Lincoln course!

“I’m looking forward to Sept. 26-27th and the opportunity to teach how rib, and accompanying thoracic rotation is such an integrated necessity for cervical freedom. If you want to start your Fall off with a powerful “lift” consider this course. It’s an “added” course to this year’s schedule which will give attendees great one on one time with an instructor that’s passionate about maximizing rib potential!”

Well, once again I feel that I have neglected my summer reading series, but I hope to get a couple more posts completed yet this month. On Friday afternoon, one of PRI’s Twitter followers, tweeted a great article, which has now been added to the PRI Resource Center. AJ’s tweet attached to the article read “This is why head/neck position matters for all exercises including lower body.”

Some of you may have already seen this article which was published in the Chiropractic & Osteopathy Journal in 2005. The article, “Reflex control of the spine and posture: A review of the literature from a chiropractic perspective” does a great job summarizing the influence of visual and vestibular input on static upright posture. To read this article, CLICK HERE!

This is a vipa test post.

Be sure to check out this month’s new featured interview with PRC therapist, Emily Soiney! Click here to read more!

PRC Therapist Emily Soiney contributed to my summer weekly reading series this week when she shared an article with me over the weekend! The Association Between Asymmetric Hip Mobility and Neck Pain in Young Adults was recently published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics by Lee et al. Unfortunately this article is not available free online, however you can purchase the text here!

The summarize, the objective of this cross-sectional observational study was to determine whether asymmetric hip mobility was associated with neck pain in young adults. They evaluated hip ROM using the Patrick’s FABERE test on 327 freshman university students (48 in the neck pain group). The results indicated that the frequency of asymmetric hip mobility (FABERE test results) among the students who reported chronic neck pain was significantly higher than that of those without neck pain. The concluded as a result of their study, that imbalanced mobility of the hip joints might be associated with an increased incidence of neck pain.

Needless to say, this article has been added to the PRI Resource Library! Thanks again Emily for sharing it with us!

It’s so hard to believe that it is already August 1st! Where has the summer gone?

This comes as a reminder that applications for the PRI credentialing programs, Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) and Postural Restoration Trained (PRT) are quickly approaching! PRC applications are due on September 15th, and PRT applications are due on October 15th.

Are you nearing completion of your PRC or PRT application? If so, there are benefits to submitting your application early! Some benefits include:

  • Early submissions are given to the review committee immediately, and feedback is returned to the applicant within 6 weeks!
  • Stress-free life (from your application at least) for the remainder of the summer! 
  • After you hear from the review committee, you are able to begin planning your travel arrangements for the PRC or PRT testing process, and hopefully get some great travel deals!

A couple PT’s have already submitted their PRC application, and have received feedback from the review committee. I am sure they are relaxing by the pool now!