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Double X Science, an online science magazine for women, recently posted a story which features PRC therapist’s Kristen Spencer and Louise Kelley. The story titled “Pregnancy 101: It Hurts Where?” discusses post-pardum pregnancy pain, and how physical therapy, including Postural Restoration to address pelvis asymmetry can prevent or eliminate pregnancy-related pelvic pain.

Check out speaker Lori Thomsen’s latest running video titled “Running, Ribs and Breathing”

This week’s Interdisciplinary Integration featured speaker is Eric Cressey, CSCS. Eric is president and co-founder of Cressey Performance, a facility located just west of Boston, MA.  A highly sought-after coach for healthy and injured athletes alike, Eric has helped athletes at all levels – from youth sports to the professional and Olympic ranks – achieve their highest levels of performance in a variety of sports.  Behind Eric’s expertise, Cressey Performance has rapidly established itself as a go-to high performance facility among Boston athletes – and those that come from across the country and abroad to experience Cressey Performance’s cutting-edge methods.  Eric is perhaps best known for his extensive work with baseball players, with more than 80 professional players traveling to Massachusetts to train with him each off-season.

“We are very excited to have Eric attending and presenting at this year’s Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium! It’s obvious to us that Eric has earned a lot of respect in his profession, and I think it is in part to his respect for the “whole” athlete. Eric’s experience with athletes of all levels and his commitment to continuing education in biomechanics of the athlete (including Postural Restoration) will enhance his presentation, Long Term Management of the Overhead Athlete.” – Ron Hruska
Eric will be presenting on day two of our symposium.

To register for the Interdisciplinary Integration course, CLICK HERE!

We are excited to announce that Rich Tenney, Kyndall Boyle and Aaron DeBord have collaborated together to publish an article in the Physiotherapy Canada journal! We are excited to share this article, Influence of Hamstring and Abdominal Muscle Activation on a Positive Ober’s Test in People with Lumbopelvic Pain. Congratulations on your hard work and thank you for your dedication in helping to educate others about the science of Postural Restoration through journal publication!

Have you ever heard Ron mention that he doesn’t like the phrase "posterior pelvic tilt" when teaching patients to perform an exercise? Check out our newest Recent Email to learn more about how Ron prefers to cue patients to perform an effective posterior pelvic tilt with PRI Non-Manual Techniques.

“This course was a good course from a standpoint that there were beginners, intermediates and veterans of PRI in the room – which is a blessing for everyone in attendance, including the speaker! The attendees in the room who were still trying to put the “pieces” together really helped strengthen the Guidelines for Right BC Treatment document. These suggestions and recommendations have been recognized and will benefit all future course attendees. Thank you Sioux Falls for a great weekend!”

Mike Arthur, CSCS is the keynote speaker and will lead off day one of the Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium on April 11th, 2013! Mike is in his 36th year with the Nebraska Athletic Department, and in January 2008, he was promoted to Director of Strength and Conditioning for the athletic department. Ron has known Mike for over 15 years.

“I am very excited to have Mike as the keynote speaker for our 2013 symposium! During the years of working with Mike, I have observed some strong characteristics – Mike is consistent and a predictable thinker. He is one of the nicest guys I know and is respectful of everyone’s suggestions and approaches. I admire his open-mindedness in implementing strength and conditioning concepts. Mike is very analytical and his analytical mind makes him evidence-based and therefore he gravitates towards programs based on strong scientific backgrounds. Mike will offer a personal perspective, based on his 36 years of experience in the field and his success with integrating PRI into his program. His strong belief of safe strength training with an emphasis on injury prevention is why Mike is our 2013 keynote speaker. ” –Ron Hruska

To register for the Interdisciplinary Integration course, CLICK HERE!

On January 12, 2013, Mike Cantrell had the opportunity to present to over 200 attendees at the Major League Soccer Medical Symposium in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida! CLICK HERE to view Mike’s presentation from the symposium. “PRI was greeted with high-fives and fist pumps after the one-hour presentation!” In addition, Mike presented a one day Myokinematic Restoration course for over 40 athletic trainers from the Major League Soccer organizations (pictured with Mike Cantrell). “What a rewarding weekend of teaching at the Major League Soccer Medical Symposium. Athletic trainers from across the country and Canada came to Ft. Lauderdale to learn some advanced human kinetics and take it back to their teams!”

Our 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium held in Lincoln on April 11-12th, will bring together eight highly regarded professionals to share their expertise on the subject of athletic performance!

Beginning this Thursday, I will be publishing a weekly featured story for each speaker and their presentation topic for the symposium.
The symposium is filling up quickly, and is already over half full! If you are interested in attending, please be sure to register soon to guarantee a spot!

CLICK HERE to view the full two-day agenda!

I came across this quote this week, and couldn’t help but be drawn to it!
Have a great weekend!

We are excited to announce and congratulate the Postural Restoration Trained Class of 2013! PRT is the result of completing multiple advanced PRI courses, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the science through completion of the PRT application, and successfully participating in practical and analytical testing. Four individuals earned the designation of Postural Restoration Trained (PRT) under the direction of Ron Hruska, Jason Masek and Jennifer Gloystein.

The Postural Restoration Institute® established this credentialing process in 2011 as a way to recognize and identify individuals with advanced training, extraordinary interest and devotion to the science of postural adaptations, asymmetrical patterns and the influence of polyarticular chains of muscles on the human body as defined by the Postural Restoration Institute®.  The PRT credential is available to Certified Athletic Trainers and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists who have completed the requirements.

PRT credentialed athletic trainers and strength and conditioning specialists offer a unique approach to physical medicine called Postural Restoration. This approach addresses underlying biomechanics which can often lead to symptoms of pain and dysfunction. All mechanical influences on the body that restrict movement and contribute to improper joint and muscle position are considered, examined, and assessed. Techniques are utilized to restore proper alignment of the body while proper respiratory dynamics are considered. Treatment encompasses prevention and lifetime integration for long-term successful outcomes.


Pictured from left to right (front row: Neil Rampe, Jennifer Gloystein, Kevin Neeld, Aimee Miyazawa, Ron Hruska, second row: Jason Masek, Chad Beckman).

Check out the Hruska Clinic’s Recommended Shoe List for 2013, plus a video from speaker Lori Thomsen!