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The new and highly anticipated Non-Manual Techniques CD Collection is very close to being completed, therefore we are now accepting pre-orders! The three PRI introductory courses: Myokinematic Restoration, Pelvis Restoration and Postural Respiration now have a corresponding Non-Manual Techniques CD that is organized by muscle, inhibition and integration and placed in an order in which you would want to isolate, inhibit or integrate.

Here is a breakdown of what programs are included on each CD:
Myokinematic Restoration – Myokinematic Restoration Repositioning, Left Hamstring, Left Ischiocondylar Adductor, Right Gluteus Maximus, Left Gluteus Medius, Integration, Left Hip Flexor Inhibition, Left Tensor Fascia Latae Inhibition, Right Adductor Inhibition, Right Quadratus Lumborum and Left Psoas Inhibition, Left Posterior Capsule Inhibition, Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition, and Plantar Flexor Inhibition

Postural Respiration – Postural Respiration Repositioning, Right Lower Trapezius and Right Tricep, Left Lower Trapezius and Left Serratus Anterior, Right Serratus Anterior, Right Subscapularis, Integration, Paravertebral Inhibition, Anterior Neck Inhibition, Right Latissimus Inhibition, Right Intercostal Inhibition, Left Posterior Mediastinum Inhibition, and Left Pectoral Inhibition

Pelvis Restoration – Pelvis Restoration Repositioning, Right Rectus Femoris and Sartorius, Left Obturator and Iliococcygeus, Left Iliacus, Right Gluteus Maximus, Integration, Left Anterior Inlet, Inhibition, Right Anterior Outlet Inhibition, Right Posterior Inlet Inhibition, Left Posterior Outlet Inhibition, and Bilateral Anterior Inlet and Posterior Outlet Inhibition

To Pre-Order your CD’s, CLICK HERE!

The quarterly updates for Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) and Postural Restoration Trained (PRT) professionals has been posted on the Member’s Only page. In addition, these updates were emailed earlier this week. If you have not been receiving the quarterly update emails, please let me know and I will get your email information updated.

The 2nd Annual Pumpkin Contest in underway at the Hruska Clinic and Postural Restoration Institute! PRI Pumpkins are an official entry in this years contest. Can you guess who might have come up this unique creation of cootie bug pumpkins demonstrating your favorite PRI non-manual techniques? One thing is for certain, some fine detail has been put into this display featuring some of your favorite PRI Non-Manual Techniques including the Seated Alternating Reciprocal Quad Sets with FA IR, the Left Sidelying Left Flexed FA Adduction with Right Glute Max and Right Trunk Rotation, and the Four Point Gait with Mediastinum Expansion! To see all of the pumpkins in this year’s contest and to VOTE for your favorite pumpkin, visit our Facebook page!

This past weekend, Lori Thomsen, MPT, PRC, taught Pelvis Restoration in front of 30 attendees and a camera crew at PRI, as we filmed the course to prepare for the Pelvis Restoration home study course. The course will be released in early 2013, so check our blog often for an anticipated release date!

The speakers for the 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium which will be held April 11-12th, 2013 in Lincoln, NE include:
Mike Arthur, CSCS – Director of Strength and Conditioning (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Ken Crenshaw, ATC – Head Athletic Trainer (Arizona Diamondbacks)
Heidi Wise, OD, FCOVD (PRI Vision)
John Cook – Head Volleyball Coach (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Dr. Kris Berg, EdD – Director of Clinical Exercise Physiology Laboratory (University of Nebraska-Omaha)
Ron Hruska, MPA, PT (Hruska Clinic)
Andrew Marchesi, PT, COMT (East Valley Spine & Sports Medicine Center)
Eric Cressey, CSCS – (Cressey Performance)

Hope to see you in the spring!

I just confirmed our last course being offered in 2012! If you are interested in attending one last PRI course before 2013, register today! There is one date for each of our 6 courses left!

Pelvis Restoration
Lincoln, NE
October 12-13, 2012
Speaker: Lori Thomsen, MPT, PRC

Impingement & Instability
Prescott Valley, AZ
October 13-14, 2012
Speaker: James Anderson, MPT, PRC
*1 spot left!

Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration
Seattle, WA
November 3-4, 2012
Speaker: Ron Hruska, MPA, PT

Postural Respiration
Salem, OR
November 3-4, 2012
Speaker: James Anderson, MPT, PRC
*2 spots left!

Myokinematic Restoration
Philadelphia, PA
November 10-11, 2012
Speaker: Jennifer Poulin, PT, PRC
*10 spots left!

Advanced Integration
Lincoln, NE
December 6-9, 2012
Speakers: Ron Hruska and James Anderson

Jason Masek, MSPT, ATC, CSCS, PRC recently blogged on the effects of Postural Restoration in Athletic Performance. His interest led him to several other blogs from strength and conditioning coaches and personal trainer’s from around the country. To read more about it and find out which sites he recommends visiting, CLICK HERE!

Marriage is more than a union of two people. It is a time where two people come together, and usually four people have to let go. My brother, two weeks ago handed his first daughter’s hand over to his new son in law, and admitted, it was the hardest thing he ever has done. Maybe not as hard as letting go of the bicycle she was riding as a little girl, as he ran beside her, and as she took those first few yards solely, without her father’s hand on the bike. But, he let go. He struck my emotional cords when he asked everyone at this wedding to remember it will be tough for him to truly “let go”, in this situation, even though she is safe and loved; because he is her father. 

Letting go of something that depends on you, something you love and you reference most of your life, does not happen overnight. It takes courage, trust and repetitive replacement to minimize future unwanted co-dependency.

There are a number of muscles that our human patterned body needs to let go. I have selected those specific muscles and regions that we need to learn to inhibit, minimize, and basically let go. I also selected the PRI non-manual inhibition technique that allows one to really focus and find other reference centers so that they can let go. These new reference centers may not be the handle bars of a bicycle or the arms of a spouse, but they are there waiting for us if we learn to “let go”.

CLICK HERE to see Ron’s selected PRI techniques to help you “let go”. Please note that some of these are new techniques which will be included on the upcoming new CD collection!

All of the techniques for the new Myokinematic Restoration Non-Manual Techniques CD have been delivered to the CD Programmer! This photo might help give you an idea of the volume of information that is included in this CD.

This 4-inch binder includes the following programs: Left Hamstring, Left Ischiocondylar Adductor, Right Gluteus Maximus, Left Gluteus Medius, Integration, Left Hip Flexor Inhibition, Left TFL Inhibition, Right Adductor Inhibition, Right QL and Left Psoas Inhibition, Left Posterior Capsule Inhibition, Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition and Plantar Flexor Inhibition. In addition to several new activities, all of the activities have been updated, some new pictures have been taken and several titles have changed! 

In the next two weeks, we will have the Pelvis Restoration and Postural Respiration techniques delivered, and the CD’s should be completed in a few weeks! Please continue to watch the website for updates and purchasing information!

We are excited to announce the arrival of Janie’s baby girl!  Gwen Mary Ebmeier was born on September 5th, weighing 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 20 inches long.  Janie, Ryan and big brothers Sam and Jack couldn’t be more in love! 

Check out this video submitted by Lori Thomsen, PT, PRC as she works on integrating trunk rotation with gait!

YouTube video

I always look forward to receiving the Journal of Craniomandibular Practice every quarter.  The Guest Editorial of the July issue was Brendon Stack D.D.S., M.S.  Needless to say, I was more interested in his editorial comments, than the excellent information in this issue that was devoted to the ear.  Dr. Stack outlined his “journey” of treating patients “from orthodontics to craniofacial pain and then to movement disorders.”  He reflects on how his underlying treatment philosophy evolved into the fact that many, but not all, of the movement disorder patients had underlying internal derangement of the cranium which results in abnormal maxillomandibular relationships. He recalls how for over a century, Tourette’s syndrome was considered a psychological disorder, a neurological brain disorder and then an infectious disease caused by streptococcus. It was never considered a disorder that was due to a structural abnormality, which then could manifest itself as a neurological problem. Dr. Stack pointed out that today Tourette’s is considered a “structural – reflex disorder”  that responds well to the use of intraoral orthotics that require no medicine or surgery. 

As the result of the success in his treatment of Tourette’s, he applied the same principles to the treatment of Parkinson’s, cervical torticollis, and other types of “movement disorders.” He feels that the “motor component” of the movement disorder is the key to his 47 year journey of treating cranio-related pain through “repositioning”, “decompression” and reprogramming to “eliminate noxious input through the fifth cranial nerve into the central nervous system.”  After 32 years of practice, I believe in this approach and belong to a similar patterned journey. I just hope that in the next 15 years, I don’t change my “ position”  behavior, so that I too, can reflect on my 47 years and report that my journey was “ filled with learning and personal satisfaction of having made a difference in the lives of my patients.”