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Click here to check out a recent blog written by PRC therapist Steve Cuddy on the influences of cycling and faulty breathing mechanics. If you are a cyclist or work with patients who enjoy cycling, this is an excellent read!

Check out this video from the Today Show featuring a 13 year-old patient being treated by Holly Spence, PT, PRC.

Holly also shared a few notes of interests regarding her treatment of this patient using Postural Restoration™ techniques.
“Rhian presented 8 months s/p single screw fixation for a slipped capital femoral epiphysis with severely limited left hip PROM/AROM. The most significant was that she had -10 degrees of FAIR.  She had excessive left genu varus, left trunk side flexion, limited hip extension, calcaneal varus then valgus with mid stance to late mid stance for gait.  She also had an excessive left anterior rotated ilium. She was not able to flex her hip past 60 degrees. She was started in sidelying and hooklying positions for PRI activity that would assist with left AFIR incorporating left hamstring, left IC adductor, right glut max IR. We also used sitting on a high stool to get a left hemi bridge with pull downs (modified due to her ROM restrictions). Protonics® was incorprated as well in prone and supine to assist with reducing her anterior rotated ilium/hemilordosis. She has also worked a lot of on left IO/TA integration. Manual tenchniques were used for left obturator release prior to sidelying activity. Shoe wear was addressed to optimize her ankle/foot stability but care was taken due to her hip deformity, and we could not fully stablilize this for fear of this putting too much stress on her knee. Rhian continues to demonstrate weak left glute med with adductor integration in left stance, positive for left Trendelenberg. Her FAIR is quite good passively 35-40 degrees but still weak actively at 25 degrees. She is now working on right sidelying left inlet IPIR with balloon. She is also doing very well with a modified retro walk using two hands on the counter in order to perform it with support and lots of abdominals.”
– Holly Spence

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We have heard from several individuals commenting on a recent article published in this month’s edition of Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy discussing the relationship of position and function of the diaphragm among patients with and without low back pain. Ron has also read this article and recently included it as a reference within his presentation at the Interdisciplinary Integration course this past week. Click here to check out this article!

We have just four seats remaining for our upcoming 4th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium being held April 19th & 20th in Lincoln, NE! This years symposium will include two days of discussion on the airway and anterior neck. We are thrilled to have six speakers presenting at this years symposium. Click here to learn a little more about each of them, or view the agenda for a more specific course description. If you are interested in attending you can call us at 888-691-4583 or register online!

Applications for PRT are due October 15th. Please note course requirements below which includes an extension for attending Pelvis Restoration. Impingement & Instability can be attended for the first time immediately preceding testing in January 2013.

Completion of Myokinematic Restoration
Completion of Postural Respiration
Completion of Impingement & Instability
*Completion of Pelvis Restoration

NOTE: *2012 PRT applicants are not required to complete Pelvis Restoration. This course will be required beginning in 2013.

The Early Registration Deadline for several of our courses is approaching! Call today or register online!

Lincoln, NE                      April 19-20, 2012   Interdisciplinary Integration            
Early Registration Deadline: Today!

Monterey, CA                   April 28-29, 2012   Pelvis Restoration                      
Prescott Valley, AZ           April 28-29, 2012   Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration
Early Registration Deadline: Friday, March 30, 2012

Richmond, VA                  May 5-6, 2012     Myokinematic Restoration              
Bemidji, MN                      May 5-6, 2012     Myokinematic Restoration              
Early Registration Deadline: Friday, April 6, 2012

Phoenix, AZ                     May 18-19, 2012   Postural Respiration                  
Grayslake, IL                   May 19-20, 2012   Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration  
Early Registration Deadline: Friday, April 20, 2012

SPORTSREHABEXPERT.COM will soon post the 9th interview of their 2012 Sports Rehab to Sports Performance Teleseminar. This interview will feature Eric Cressey.

Eric will discuss his thoughts on the Postural Restoration Institute, specifically the Impingement & Instability course, and how that affects his training when it comes to the hip and shoulder. Eric will also talk about some of his training philosophy, specifically power development for baseball, new thoughts on healthy shoulder training, and ‘Functional Stability Training’.

Click HERE to access the interview that will go live tonight at 8pm EST. The interview will only be posted until next Tuesday night.

We have recently had a couple great e-mail questions, so be sure to check out our Recent E-mail section!

Zach Nott, CSCS, SCCC, PRT and Julie Blandin, PT, ATC, CSCS, PRC provided THIS article to Be sure to check it out!

We are pleased to announce that the Postural Restoration Institute is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. This approval is for all PRI live courses only.

A note to massage therapists who have previously attended PRI courses: As a first-time provider with NCBTMB we are able to award retroactive continuing education hours up up to two years from the date of this approval. Therefore, if you attended a course between February 28, 2010 – February 29, 2012 you will receive NCBTMB approved credit for attending. Please contact Paige for details.

Jason Masek, MSPT, ATC, CSCS, PRC recently wrote an article on the jaw.  You can read it HERE!

We recently expanded PRT eligibility requirements to include those who hold SCCC Certification through the Collegiate Strength & Conditioning Coaches Association. This issue was given much attention by Ron Hruska, Director of PRI and our PRT Committee. Please contact Paige with any questions.