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In this video, Lori Thomsen, MPT, PRC discusses how devices such as the Power Lung could help your physical therapy program!  You can order the Power Lung HERE!

Airway & The Anterior Neck
Thursday, April 19th – Friday, April 20th, 2012

Our 4th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration course brings together six highly regarded professionals to share their expertise on the subject of airway and the anterior neck. This symposium will include interactive discussion on the anatomy, neurology and mechanics of the airway and the anterior neck. Emphasis will be place on how to manage the nasal and oral airway both during sleep and upright function. Upper airway obstruction and influences on respiratory and laryngeal function, from asymmetrical torsional alignment of the cranium, neck and thorax, post-traumatic vertigo, cervical trauma, postural pathomechanics and respiratory imbalance will be offered.

Chris Cederberg, MD
Marina Gilman, M.M., M.A. CCC-SLP
Michael Hoefs, DDS, DABCP, FAACP, FADI
Ron Hruska, MPA, PT
Jonathan A. Parker, DDS
Heidi Wise, OD, FCOVD

Learn how to bring your right hip forward, the “right” way! Check out Lori’s latest video running blog.

PRI speaker Jen Poulin was in Minneapolis, MN the weekend of October 22-23, 2011, teaching a Myokinematic Restoration course. Here is a great quote from one of the attendees!

“Mind-blowing. I feel there’s a whole realm I can tie this into in my training but no idea where yet.”

Last week Gregory Parfianowicz traveled to Poland to educate a group of therapists and dentists on Postural Respiration and Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration.  We asked Gregory a few questions about his trip…

Who was in attendance?
We had physical therapists, dentists, dental technicians and orthodontists attending a 2-day PRI overview course with emphasis on “Cervical-Cranial -Mandibular Restoration”.
I was impressed that so many dentists are considering, if not already , working closely with physical therapists (at least 3 attendees have extra room in their office for PT and employ one on part time basis).

Why do you think there is an interest from the dentists in that area?
I believe that dentists and orthodontists in Poland are becoming even more concerned with patients not responding fully to their treatment and the patients are breaking appliances/crowns more often on the left side than right. They are concerned with those patients negatively advertising their practice in cases where they are being charged for the service which didn’t work.
By the end of each day we had a discussion going all over the room with suggestions, it wasn’t one way communication, it was sharing information between each profession to help the patient.
One dentist sent a text to her husband during lunch on the first day- “Before I do any type of tooth work, including fillings, I need to contact and discuss the case with the patient’s physical therapist, optometrist, and psychiatrist.”

Do you have any future plans for PRI courses in Poland?
We hope to do the next course for “teams” of physical therapists and dentists in the spring of 2012 and hopefully another Myokinematic Restoration course for physical therapists as well.

PRI Pelvis Restoration speaker Lori Thomsen recently taught a course in Chapel Hill, NC. Here is a great quote from one of the attendees!

“Lori was amazing! What a great instructor!!! Thank you so much, I love the course!”

Michael Mullin was kind enough to share this email with me earlier in the week. Michael practices at OA Centers for Orthopaedics in Portland, ME. In addition to attending and hosting many PRI courses, Michael also served on our Recognition Committee responsible for the creation of PRT.

I have been working with a lot of dancers—classical ballet in particular—for many years which began when I was practicing in San Francisco.  Having utilized PRI-principles in my work for many years now, this population is a tremendous group to introduce PRI concepts with due to their amazing body awareness, compliance with home programs and general attitude towards self-help.  Dance medicine has turned into a subspecialty for me and I was fortunate enough to be able to do a presentation this past week at the 2011 International Association for Dance Medicine & Science Annual Conference in Washington D.C.  It was a 50-minute Movement Session and the title was: “Developing Optimal Muscle Control to Establish Symmetry in the Dancer”.  It was part lecture and part lab where principles of proper diaphragmatic positioning and control were introduced with the use of balloons, exercises such as 90/90 hip lift, 90/90 hip lift with hip shift and hemi-bridge, and sidelying scissor slides were all reviewed.  It worked well to have them utilize the balloons initially and then have them tie them off to use as bolsters for the subsequent frontal plane activities.  It was a great turnout and this program was very well received with many participants approaching me throughout the rest of the conference asking more insightful questions or even stating:  “I heard you did a movement session with balloons and PRI principles—I’m so bummed I missed it!”.  PRI-trained clinicians should really consider trying to work this population as almost all of them are in dire need of repositioning, neutrality, and joint centralization. – Michael Mullin, ATC, LAT, PTA

Click HERE to view the handouts provided to attendees.

Thank you to everyone who submitted an application for Postural Restoration Certification (PRC)!

The application review process was completed on Friday and all applicants should now have received email notification of the feedback from our PRC Application Review Committee. If you did not receive this email, please contact me. We look forward to the educational process of PRC testing, scheduled for December 5-6.

Each year the process of PRC review is one that I personally find very gratifying, and this year was no exception. We received a record number of applications which demonstrate the passion and interest that so many therapists have for the PRI science. In turn, the reviewer feedback from our Committee of individuals who themselves have earned the designation of PRC, reaffirms the growth and excitement that we continue to see through this unique mentorship opportunity that is the application review.

Also, I would like to thank those who applied for our new credential of PRT!  The application review process for PRT is now underway. Please expect to receive your completed review on or before November 15th. The educational testing process of PRT is scheduled for January 9th. It is with much anticipation and excitement that we prepare for the first class of individuals to earn the designation of Postural Restoration Trained (PRT).

Hi! My name is Paige Juhnke and I’m the new Education Coordinator for the Institute. I’ve been working here for about three weeks now, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know everyone and learn what PRI is all about! You can learn more about me here!

Two new articles were added to the PRI Library and to the Myokinematic Restoration course reference list.  The JOSPT published an article on the relationship of hip strengthening and patellofemoral pain in August and Sports Health also published a similar article on this same subject.  To read the article from JOSPT, click here!  To read about the article published in Sports Health, click here!

This Saturday is the early registration deadline for our Impingement & Instability course being held in Phoenix, AZ on November 5-6. James Anderson will be teaching this course and received the following reviews from his most recent presentation of this course in Chanhassen, MN:

PRI continues to connect the dots and improve applicability to patient care. Thanks!

This is an amazing course that really pull things together! Go PRI!!!

The best Postural Restoration class I have ever taken (and I have taken many)!! I loved James’ emphasis on gait and reference centers. He related everything to gait and these reference centers, which helped me organize all the Postural Restoration classes I have ever taken, and I can use this to help my patients.

Course Location
East Valley Spine & Sports Medicine Center
4858 East Baseline Road, Suite 107
Mesa, AZ 85206
Phone 480-807-6500
Local Contact: Andrew Marchesi

Hope you can make it!

Ron and I spent 2 days last week working on the new CD’s that we hope to have completed by the end of the year.  Several people have inquired about the new CD’s.  Let me tell you what I know up until this point…
The CD’s will be different than what we currently have on our shelves.  There will be 3 new CD’s that compliment our 3 pre-requisite courses:  Myokinematic Restoration, Pelvis Restoration and Postural Respiration.  On these 3 CD’s you will find a Re-positioning program, Desirable muscle programs, Inhibition as related to the course and Integration.  All of our activity will now be found on one of these 3 CD’s.  When taking our Secondary courses (Impingement and Instability, Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration, Advanced Integration), you will have already received the activity that corresponds to these courses through the pre-requisite courses.  In addition to the layout of the CD’s being different, we have also added roughly 200 new techniques. 

Again, our hope is to have these completed by the end of the year.  We have spent HOURS working on the placement, progression, and wording on each and every technique but we still have a lot of work ahead of us.