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Ron taught Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration in Loveland, Colorado this past weekend.  The great people at Rebound Sports and Physical Therapy gave him this x-ray image.  What a great picture of left anterior innominate rotation with compensatory left femoral acetabular external rotation! 

Check out the newest interview with PRC therapist, Joan Hanson!

Essex Physical Therapy in Essex Junction, VT has been working hard on their new PRI pool. It is expected to be done in October. Visit Essex Physical Therapy’s Facebook page for pictures and more information!

This past weekend, PRI faculty member Lori Thomsen was in Essex Junction, VT giving our Pelvis Restoration course. Check out Essex Physical Therapy’s Facebook for pictures!

The application deadline of October 15th is just over two weeks away! Please contact me if you are planning to apply and have any questions. To view a printable application, CLICK HERE.

The construction for the PRI Vision clinic began today, and is expected to be completed in January 2012.

This Saturday is the early registration deadline for our Myokinematic Restoration course being held in Oklahoma City, OK on October 8-9. In order for us to confirm the course, additional participants are needed by September 10th. Please register this week to receive the early registration rate and to ensure that this course will not be canceled. Thank you!

Course Location
Mercy Health Center
McAuley Conference Center – Room C
4300 W. Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73120

This course is recommended first in our series of courses.

The 2012 annual PRC conference has been scheduled!  The conference will be held in Lincoln, Nebraska on Saturday April 21, 2012.  If you are a certified clinician and plan on attending this course, please contact Elizabeth McCulley!  Hope to see you there!

We’re excited to be teaming up with Physiotherapy Associates! James Anderson will present Postural Respiration on October 15-16, 2011 at their location in Herndon, Virginia.

By attending this course you’ll gain an appreciation for the postural influences of rib torsion, asymmetrical oblique strength, inconsistent breathing patterns, habitual use of accessory respiratory musculature and a restricted diaphragm. Clinical assessment and management skills will be covered for treating diagnosis such as “fibromyalgia”, thoracic outlet syndrome and shoulder dysfunction. You’ll discover the value of having your patients and athletes blow up a balloon.

Register today!

We are privileged to have been invited to present Myokinematic Restoration at the Alaska APTA Fall Conference on October 8-9, 2011.  James Anderson will be teaching the course at the Hotel Alyeska in Girdwood, AK. Registration is NOW OPEN!

To read more about James Anderson’s clinical experience, CLICK HERE!

If you are a member of the Journal of Cranio Mandibular Practice you have probably read the July issue titled “Multidisciplinary”.  This issue covers how crucial it is to integrate with other disciplines to achieve the most desirable outcome for the patient.  In addition, there is a spectacular editorial written by Dr. Gerald Murphy on how necessary he has found the multidisciplinary approach to be in his practice.  After reading the editorial Ron Hruska felt compelled to write the author and share a few comments with him:

“Just read the July issue of The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice and wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed reading your segment on Dry Bones.  I have always tried to integrate disciplinary medicine and dentistry in my practice and always remember that each of our disciplines have limitations.  Really feel like you hit a home run on this piece.”

Read the editorial HERE!

We received this from a therapist practicing PRI in Colorado:

“Hi all, I wanted to send along some information that I was amazed by.  I have integrated the PRI concepts into my practice over the past year and have been thrilled with the results that I have seen.

I recently treated a 13 year old female that came to me with right sided low back pain and a 17 degree scoliotic curve.  After working with her over the course of 5-6 sessions, she returned to her M.D. for a follow up and x-rays, only to discover that her scoliotic curve decreased to 14 degrees.  She has overall decreased pain and improved alignment.

Thank you for giving us the tools to help people like this!  It makes my job so much more rewarding to be able to effectively treat patients.”