Gregory Parfianowicz recently returned from his trip to Poland with Ron Hruska and Jason Masek. We asked him to tell us a little bit about why they were there and what they did while they were there. Read all about their trip here!
Gregory Parfianowicz recently returned from his trip to Poland with Ron Hruska and Jason Masek. We asked him to tell us a little bit about why they were there and what they did while they were there. Read all about their trip here!
We are happy to report that Ron, Jason and Gregory have returned home safely from Poland. We will be updating you on all the events that took place while in Poland. The trip was a success, to say the least! Check out this video below to see Ron and Gregory teaching:
It’s Christmas in September! PRC Applications have arrived and our Review Committee is always anxious to get their hands on them. Postural Restoration case studies, article reviews, in-service handouts, etc…What more could a PRI therapist ask for?
Applicants will be notified of Reviewer feedback and recommendations by October 15th. Thank you for the many hours you have obviously spent preparing.
Each week we will introduce a technique found on one of our two educational CD’s. We will unveil the reasoning, purpose, application, and progression of each technique to provide guidance in your PRI decision making!
Every non-manual technique you receive in PRI course material originated from a patient. Each technique has a story, a purpose, and a reason for existence. What works for some patients may not work for others and thus another activity is born. Some ask, “how did the concept of PRI start”; through patient care, that’s how. Over the past 27 years, the creation and evolution of PRI has taken place. Each patient has taught a lesson, sent a message and left an imprint that encompasses what PRI is.
PRI has been developing patient handouts used for education of both clinicians and patients for decades. Although there are an abundance of activities, there is a reason for each and every one. Please check back weekly to discover our featured Technique of the Week!
We often find articles published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies to be of interest. Last month was no exception. Consider reading the following from the July 2009 issue.
Look at all the asymmetry going on in this x-ray! Notice the size difference in the obturator foramens, the asymmetry in the pelvic floor opening and the difference between the left and right head of the femurs. This is a classic example of a Left AIC pelvis!
If you were planning on registering for the Postural Respiration course in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on August 29-30 August 1st is the deadline. With only a few registrations for this course, we may need to cancel it so if you are interested…tell your friends about it!
Hi Bobbie/Ron,
I would like to thank you both for the opportunity to see Ron treat my patient in Lincoln yesterday via Skype. Here I was in NC, and it was almost as good as being there ! I learned a lot and think this is an excellent tool for any clinician who wants to consult from wherever they are. The patient could also be in your clinic anywhere on this planet and Ron in Lincoln can see the patient from there. I hope everyone takes advantage of this great learning opportunity, I certainly plan to continue to do so. – Sangini
If you were planning on applying for certification this year the deadline for your application is September 15th! Summer is going by fast and September will be here before you know it! To print off the application, click here! To learn more about certification, click here!
August 29-30 – Viginia Beach, Virginia – Postural Respiration
September 26-27 – Columbus, Georgia –Myokinematic Restoration
October 3-4 – Shakopee, Minnesota – Myokinematic Restoration
October 24-25 – Duluth, Minnesota – Myokinematic Restoration
If any of you use the Two Point Stance activity found on the 2nd Edition Non-Manual Techniques CD-Rom you may want to make this correction on your handout! Roberta Delfun, PT, PRC found a mistake on the original exercise! When performing this technique in left sidelying, the right arm should move back on INHALATION and come forward on EXHALATION. The first row of pictures has the 2nd and 3rd picture reversed. To print a new copy, click here!
Take a look at the most recent picture we have taken of a classic Right TMCC pattern! Do you see what we see?
If you are interested to learn more about this, register for a Cervical Cranio Mandibular Restoration course here!
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