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We have set the date for the Interdisciplinary Integration course in 2010!  The course will be held Wednesday, April 14 – Saturday, April 17!  All four days will be full of new and exciting information related to feet, dentistry, vision and our new topic….REST!  The entire 4th day will be covering rest and sleep integration as it relates to PRI!  Plan ahead for this course…you don’t want to miss it!  You can register for all four days or each individual day by clicking here!

The Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration course in Woodbury, Minnesota, August 8-9 is full!

While traveling, we came across an article written in the Scientific American Mind.  The article is about the “hidden complexities behind the simple act of kissing, which relays powerful messages to your brain, body and partner”.  The first half of the article is interesting but it’s the last section of the article on “Lopsided Love” that caught our attention!  To read the entire article click here!

For those of you preparing for certification this year, we have added a few more suggested journal articles to the list on the application.  Over the last few months we have found interesting articles published in these journals:

  • Thorax – An International Journal of Respiratory Medicine
  • Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, & Psychiatry with Practical Neurology
  • American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Cephalalgia – An International Journal of Headache
  • Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

If you are interested in certification, you can read more about it here!

Read all about Mara Brandsoy, OTR/L, PRC this month!  Mara was the first occupational therapist to becomecertified in PRI!  To read her entire interview, click here!

For those of you familiar with PRI, we thought you would find this intriguing.  This diagram was presented in the first course given by Ron Hruska.  The course was given in September of 1995 and was called “Postural Reconstruction – An Integrated Approach to Treatment of Upper Half Musculoskeletal and Respiratory Dysfunction”.  This is literally, the first sketch of the Left AIC, Right BC and PEC chain! 

Our 2009 Postural Restoration Certification (PRC) Application Review Committee has been finalized. Each year 4-5 PRC therapists review the applications offering specific feedback and recommendations to each applicant. The committee is revolving so each year a new member is selected from the previous class. This year the committee includes: Jason Masek, Jen Poulin, Lori Thomsen, Michal Niedzielski and Kyndy Boyle. With the committee finalized we’re ready for applications to begin arriving. Anytime from now until September 15th applications may be submitted for review. Approximately 4 weeks after submission, applicants will receive feedback and recommendations that will assist them in determining their readiness for the PRC examination process in December. In addition, the Reviewer’s will guide the applicant in specific areas of study prior to PRC.

Raulan Young, MPT, PRC recently wrote an article for the Southern Idaho Living magazine titled “Winter Fitness Made Easy in Southern Idaho”.  This is a great overview on the importance of triplanar activity.  Raulan does a great job educating the reader on different winter sporting activities and how each sport can benefit your posture!  To read the entire article, click here!

Karen Jiran, MPT, PRC was the instructor last weekend for our one day clinical course called Postural Restoration.  For those of you unaware of what this course is, this course is an individualized, one day class, that covers concepts requested by the attendees.  In short, the entire day is spent reviewing concepts taught in one of our two day courses.  This course happened to be organized by PRI but we often schedule the courses on request.  Here is some feedback from the attendees:

“Great course, Karen did an excellent job!  I would recommend this class to everyone.  It was a fun, dynamic learning experience!”

“Excellent course, please offer more of them!  It’s nice to have a small class size to have practice time!”

“Very, very good!  The case studies and small group discussion made the problem solving effective!”

“It’s nice to have a source to get questions answered.”

If you are interested in having a one day clinical course at your office, please contact us! This is a great opportunity for more advanced, hands on clinical application for you and your colleagues!

The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science written by Norman Doidge is a highly recommended PRI reading!  This book was discussed throughout our Interdisciplinary Integration course this past weekend and it was decided that this book is a must have!!  To learn more about this book, click hereHere is what the New York Times had to say about it!

Our first annual Interdisciplinary Integration course is fast approaching!  The course is scheduled to begin next week, Thursday March 26th, and conclude on Sunday March 29th.  Between now and the start of the course we will be busy here at PRI placing thefinal touches on the course material.  If you have already registered for this course, we look forward to seeing you!  If you are not registered and are interested in attending, please contact us

“In conclusion…

…the various skeleto-dental orthopedic classifications of the maxillo–mandibular relationship I, II and III are intimately related to body posture.”  This statement came out of an article published in LVI Visions magazine.  LVI Visions magazine is “a magazine by dentists for dentists”.  This article happened to be given to us by a local dentist.  To read this article, click here!