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October 4th is the date for our one day clinical course, Postural Restoration, in Sioux City, Iowa.  Please join us at Sioux City Physical Therapy to discuss concepts covered in Myokinematic Restoration.  Topics of interest include but are not limited to, objective tests and measurements, manual and non-manual techniques, exercise progression and patient populations including AIC, BC and PEC patients. 

Understanding Postural Symmetry to Improve Performance and Prevent Injury is the latest article written by Lori Thomsen, PT, PRC.  This article addresses postural asymmetries of the cycling athlete that lead to pain and dysfunction.  This article is one of a four part series that will be written by the staff at the Hruska Clinic for a local company called Performance Conditioning Inc. Check out this article here!

After spending four days in Seoul, South Korea, Ron has returned home safely.  Although he is adjusting to the 14 hour time change, he is energized by his experience!  Dr. Kim and Dr. Chang of Kim and Chang Spine and Chiropractic Clinic hosted a three day course covering both Myokinematic Restoration and Postural Respiration.


Over 20 attendees were present at this course.  The majority of the class didn’t speak English, however, Dr. Kim was there to translate. 

By the end of the three days, Ron had all the attendees checking Adduction Drop Tests, performing 90-90 Hemibridges, and performing a manual Left AIC technique!

While not teaching, Ron was able to learn about Dr. Kim and Dr. Chang’s practice and their current method of treatment.  The majority of the physicians present were Oriental Medicine Doctor’s.  While there, Ron received two vitamin injections, which he said “were excellent”.  Below is a picture of Ron with two Doctors and behind them is the area where the herbs are stored.

In the evenings, Dr. Kim and Dr. Chang entertained Ron with dinner.

Downtown Seoul!

This is a fitness park (look at that thoracic abduction)!

Although Ron is glad to be home safely, he feels honored to have had this experience. 

Over the last few years PRI has been growing!  With the increased interest in certification and the addition of two new speakers, our network is expanding!  Each month, we would like to introduce you to someone who plays a significant role in PRI.  This month we have featured Allen Gruver, PT, PRC. Allen became certified in Postural Restoration in 2006 and is Arizona’s first and only PRI certified clinician.  To read more about Allen, click here!  Please check back frequently to see who will be featured next!

We are excited to introduce you to the “Recent Emails” section found on the home page of our new website.  This section is comprised of email dialogue carried out between the staff at PRI and clinicians around the country.  We receive a large amount of email inquiries ranging from “interpretation of course manuals” to “where to find PRI products”. If you see a question that you too have often wondered, click on it to see our response.  Have a question yourself…contact us!

We are happy to introduce you to the all new certification tab on our website that highlights Postural Restoration Certification (PRC). This section features PRC therapists, PRC centers, frequently asked questions and testimonials.  Certification was established in 2004 and to date we have 23 certified therapists located all over the country.  We are excited to feature all 23 therapist’s bio, picture and location!
Please check them out!

We are excited to introduce you to the “new” PRI website!  Over the last few months, we have been working on revisions to our current website in an effort to provide you with as much information as possible!  Please check out the new site as each page has been “refreshed”!  Continue to check back daily as new information will be continually added!

Tina Straub, PT, ATC has recently submitted a case study for our website on low back pain. This case study gives you great insight on how to treat low back pain using the PRI approach. Tina does a great job explaining her assessment of the patient based on PRI objective measurements and also provides insight on the reasoning behind the non-manual activities she choose for the patient’s home exercise program. Tina currently works in Brookings, SD at Avera Brookings Medical Clinic. To access the case study, please click here!

It has been over a week since we mailed out the first copies of the Manual Techniques DVD. We’ve sent several copies to clinicians all around the United States but have not heard any feedback (positive or negative) on what you think. We are very anxious to hear from you to provide us with your initial thoughts on how it turned out. Please email us at with any comments you may have on your newly purchased DVD. Any comments provided will help us answer questions from other clinicians interested in using this DVD!

Early applications are now arriving! As the Director of Certification, I review the applications to verify course attendance, ensure that the application is complete and offer any feedback or guidance that may assist the PRC Application Review Committee. I would like to share this early feedback with those of you still finishing up applications:

Please be sure to mail both your article review and the articles themselves.

Consider the following information when answering the questions about your favorite PRI Techniques…
1. What is the purpose of the technique?
2. In your experience, what is the likely outcome of the technique?
3. What techniques would you use before, after or even in the same program in conjunction with the technique you chose.
4. What cues do you find helpful when instructing your patient?
5. What patient diagnoses or objective test outcomes indicate that this technique is appropriate?

Letters of recommendation are welcome. Consider a letter of recommendation from a colleague, PRC therapist or faculty, or professional with whom you integrate with such as a dentist, physician, podiatrist, etc.

Be sure to include copies of any presentations or in-services you have done in the area of Postural Restoration.

Don’t forget the deadline for submission is September 15th! Thank you!

Just a reminder that the September 15th PRC application deadline is soon approaching. If you are planning on applying for certification this December, the application needs to be postmarked by September 15th . We are very excited for the 2008 certification process as this will be the first year the process is open to Physical Therapist Assistants and Occupational Therapists.

Mark your calendars:
1. September 15th – PRC application deadline
2. October 15th – November 1st – Applicants contacted with PRC committee review feedback
3. December 4–7 – Advanced Integration
4. December 8 & 9 – PRC written and clinical exam

We will soon present our first course in St. Louis, Missouri. We’ve collaborated with Julie Hereford, PT, DPT to host Postural Respiration at CORE Rehab Services on September 20-21. Julie has 25 years of experience in physical therapy practice and teaching. She has taught many courses for physical therapy and anatomy, both at the University level and for continuing education. As a highly respected and experienced therapist, we’re proud to have her endorsement.

This course has been approved for co-sponsorship by the Missouri Physical Therapy Association (MPTA). Fifteen continuing education hours are awarded for attendance of this course.

Register soon to receive our special discount of 20% off tuition. Discount may not be combined with any other offers. See you in St. Louis!