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We were thrilled to receive notification yesterday that Ron Hruska will be presenting at this year’sTexas Occupational Therapy Association (TOTA) 2008 Mountain Central Conference. The conference will be held November 21-23, 2008 at the Renaissance Austin. TOTA’s Mountain Central Conference is the annual educational conference of the association. Ron will present Postural Respiration – Integrated Treatment of Patterned Thoraco-Abdominal Pathomechanics. For more information, go here!

Over the last few years we have been fortunate to develop a strong relationship with Paul Coffin, DPM. His monthly visits to the Hruska Clinic have provided us a great avenue to learn about him, his practice and his amazing knowledge of the foot. As time goes on, we are getting better at determining when PRI activity will succeed without Dr. Coffin’s expertise and when a referral to him is necessary. Last night when I got home from work I was greeted with the warmest welcome I have ever received from my adorable dog, Miles. As I sat my things down and began to walk to the bedroom, his habitual behavior of following my every step ceased.Ignoring this bizarre behavior I continued my path to the bedroom. Once I opened the door, I realized why my shadow had chosen to stay 10 paces behind me. Although my experience with orthotic referrals is elementary, I am fairly confident that he will not be able to help me?

Providing patient care is not only a learning experience for the patient but also for the therapist. Each patient has taught a lesson, sent a message and left an imprint that has helped develop our approach to treatment. This week Ron Hruska was working with a patient who had seen another therapist at theHruska Clinic prior to this visit. She mentioned that a specific cue from Lori Thomsen made all the difference in her ability to breathe into her right chest. Lori asked her to “breathe into the heel of my right hand” during an Infraclavicular Pump and Subclavius technique. Ron brought a couple of us into the treatment room to feel the upper right ribs externally rotate upon inhalation using this particular cue. The next time you perform these PRI Manual Techniques consider using this instruction to maximize your patient’s ability to achieve right apical expansion. Contact us to share your own patient-directed discoveries!

For those therapists doing cranial work, you’ll want to read these latest articles supporting ourCCMR course.

Orthodontics in a Quantum World I: The Rationale for a New Approach by Gavin James, MDS, FDS, D. Orth. Abstract: Advances in physics and cell biology are changing how science views studies about the body. The first part of this article is an overview of these advanced. The second part is a working hypothesis as to how these changes could affect orthodontic diagnosis and treatment. An example is given of how this thinking might apply. To access the entire article please contact us!

Orthodontics in a Quantum World II: Cranial Movement and Parafunction by Gavin James, MDS, FDS, D. Orth. Abstract:Maintenance of brain vitality is the most important function of the body. Several oral behaviors are involved in this process. Typical facial characteristics and intra-oral change can result from this. Symptomatically, the response can resemble a temporomandibular joint disorder. An integrative systems approach gives a basis for understanding and treating the condition. To access the entire article please contact us!

Recent articles printed in The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy further support Postural Restoration Institute methods for management and treatment of SI pathology. Three-Dimensional Movements of the Sacroiliac Joint: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Assessment of Clinical Utility by Goode et al, offers a review of current literature that sheds light on the need to consider re-organizing and retraining neuromotor adaptation patterns rather than mobilizing or manipulating the SI joint.

Go here to read the Letter to the Editor and here to read the Author Response. The second article, Variation in Pelvic Morphology May Prevent the Identification of Anterior Pelvic Tilt by Preece et al, discusses how angle of pelvic tilt and sagittal plane orientation may be morphologic.

The newest journal article being passed around PRI is “The contractile field – A new model of human movement – Part 3”. This article written by Phillip Beach and published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies discusses embryology and evolutionary biomechanics as they relate to ‘contractile fields’. “Tuning between muscles within a contractile field, and tuning between fields, shapes movement patterns”. To access the entire article please contact us!

Beach P. The contractile field – A new model of human movement – Part 3. J of Bodywork & Movement Ther. 2008; 12:158-165.

The 59th NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposia was held June 18-20 in St. Louis, MO! University of Tennessee’s Assistant Baseball Trainer, Jeff Wood, presented “Exercise Programs to Protect Baseball Pitchers Arms from Overuse Injuries”. The majority of the content presented in this lecture was based onPRI principles. Jeff utilized his personal knowledge and experience with PRI as well as articles that have been written by PRI faculty and certified therapists to outline his presentation. To view the complete presentation, please click here!

If you live in the Flagstaff, Arizona, area or are planning a summer vacation there, let Core Balance Therapy Services take care of your Postural Restoration needs. Kyndall Boyle recently joined the staff at Core Balance and brought with her the PRI approach. She is the only therapist on staff practicing this “unique approach to rehabilitation.” To read more about Kyndy and Core Balance Physical Therapy, please click here!

For those of you that frequently use the PRI Positioning Program, we have taken “new” pictures! The pictures will resemble the previous program but with a little extra pizzazz! Along with all the pictures reflecting correct Left AF IR positioning, we have also added pictures replicating incorrect positions. To view the complete positioning program, click here!

You can never have too much of a good thing, here is another technique for Left AF IR! This activity was developed after working with a patient who had difficulty achieving Left AF IR while in a standing position. This is a great integrated abdominal technique to instruct patients on who have a difficult time “turning their left hamstring on”. The technique also promotes Left AF IR with Right Glute Max activation while attempting to maintain complete dominance over the torso. For the complete handout, please click here!

Yes, we do realize that the PRI Course Reference list can create some anxiety when trying to decide which book is best. So, we’ve decided to narrow it down for you. Here are our Top 5 (or 6) books for Myokinematic Restoration™, Postural Respiration™and Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration™. These books will provide you the best reference for each course whether you have attended previously or are contemplating registration. To read the Top 5 Book List, click here!

Jeanna Viramontes, MPT, PRC recently opened her own clinic in Hudson, Wisconsin and was featured by the local newspaper, Hudson Star-Observer. She’s doing exciting work in the area ofpelvic floor dysfunction using Postural Restoration techniques.