Gregory Parfianowicz, MPT, MTC, Certified MDT, PRC

Gregory has earned the designation of Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) as a result of advanced training, extraordinary interest & devotion to the science of postural adaptations, asymmetrical patterns & the influence of polyarticular chains of muscles on the human body as defined by the Postural Restoration Institute™.

“I feel I have been using a PRI – like approach (of course not to this extent) since my graduation in 1992 from the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland which had a very strong Biomechanics Department. I continued my quest for more knowledge through continuing education courses offered by the University of St. Augustine (Manual Therapy Certification -2002) and the McKenzie Institute (Certified MDT-2005). Both of them, however, fell short in explaining human biomechanics, relating one body part to another, treating our body as a whole unit, etc. Ron Hruska was the first teacher/practitioner who was able to correlate the left side to the right in a logical, biomechanical way which I have been looking for since my graduation in 1992.”

You, Ron and Jason recently returned from Poland where you presented at the 1st International Congress of Polish Rehabilitation and also taught the PRI Myokinematic Restoration review course. How did this opportunity come about?
For the last couple years, myself and Michal Niedzielski were working very hard to promote PRI concepts in Poland. I do believe that we were successful enough that with the help of our friends (among them Dean of Academy of Physical Education) Ron was invited as the only clinician to speak at the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was well attended by at least three hundred medical professionals from Poland and other countries.  I had a chance to introduce Ron who then spoke about PRI and his passion using Power Point slides with Polish translation.

We know that Ron was the only speaker to present to the entire congress. Can you tell us why you think he was given this opportunity?
As I mentioned before, it was the result of interest that has been growing in Poland since our last trip in March 2009 and the involvement of our friends in spreading the PRI information.

Who were the other speakers involved in this first Congress and what was their primary area of expertise?
There were few other speakers from Europe and Japan. Among them Prof. Junichi Iiyama, (Kumamoto Health Science University, Faculty of Heath Science, Department of Rehabilitation, Kumamoto, Japan), Dr. I. Lauge Johannesen, (Department of Rheumatology, Spinal Cord Unit, Viborg Regional Hospital, Viborg, Denmark), Dr. Roberto Card( from Bolonia, Italy).

How was PRI perceived? Did you receive much feedback from those in attendance?
Ron is a very good speaker, so he definitely was able to attract many of those who didn’t hear about PRI before or knew very little. Everybody was impressed with the knowledge and expertise Ron has shown during each workshop.

Can you give us a description of the attendees? (ie. Number of attendees, nationality, professional background, experience levels)
We did two 4 hour workshops attended by PTs, orthopedic surgeons, family practitioners- I do believe that at least 60 people attended those during the Congress.
On Sunday, 9/12/09 we did an MI review course for approximately 12-15 attendees who took the MI course in March 2009 offered by Michal and me.

We know it wasn’t all about work though. There where a couple days designated for “play” as you guided Ron and Jason through your native country.  Can you give us a few of the highlights of the trip?
I don’t believe that I am allowed to share too much, as the motto of our trip was the Las Vegas advertisement statement -“whatever happens in Poland stays in Poland” ☺.
On a more serious note, I was able to share with them the history of my homeland and of course, food, which became Ron’s and Jason’s favorite. Ron had been preaching about the importance of breathing for years, forgetting about the second most important aspect of our life-the second source of energy, which is food. I am sure I was able to fill the gap.  I do believe that you will see significant changes in your clinic. You will find new display cases with “artifacts” (you can’t even imagine what you will find in them) and pictures from our trip.

PRI’s exposure in Poland began with you and Michal’s first course presentation. What do you think is the next step and/or the goal for PRI in Poland?
We will continue to offer courses and presentations to those who show interest in PRI concepts. We will follow the path that PRI institute pioneered so successfully in USA.

For all of us who have never traveled to Poland, tell us what we are missing?
I am positive we don’t have enough time to describe everything.  If I had only few words to summarize it, it would be history (Poland’s origin goes back to the year of 966) and pride and faith (the history of Poland is closely related to Christian faith).  I shouldn’t also forget about women named Anna (during the classes we did a practical portion using the members of the audience – 5 of 6 women who volunteered carried that name).


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