Janie Ebmeier, Education Coordinator, Director of Certification

Janie received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and her Physical Therapist Assistant certificate from Clarkson College in Omaha, Nebraska. Her background in both business and physical therapy has provided a foundation for clinical and administrative roles at the Postural Restoration Institute. As Education Coordinator, Janie specializes in course development and creation of education materials and resources. As Director of Certification, she is growing a national network of therapists identified as leaders and advocates of Postural Restoration.

Tell us about your background.  When did you first start working at the Institute?
It’s been ten years already! I started at PRI after graduating from Clarkson College in Omaha with a PTA degree. I then went on to complete my Bachelor Degree in Business Administration at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

How has your position evolved?
Looking back gives me some perspective of just how much the science and Institute have grown. I knew back then that I had come into something very exciting; that the work we were doing was very important and the science could have such a profound implication for physical medicine. I’m not sure I could have predicted just how far we could come in such a short time.  To think that we now have certified 40 therapists from across the country, that PRI courses are translated and instructed in other countries, that we have compiled hundreds of techniques on CD’s and DVD’s… it’s pretty awesome.

Tell us about your role at the Institute?
As the Education Coordinator I plan the course dates and locations, manage speaker schedules, complete many CE applications, strategize our advertising and marketing plans, respond to many emails and phone calls and work closely with Ron, Bobbie, James, Mike and our PRC therapists on a number of different projects. Each day has its own unique challenges and opportunities.
As Director of Certification I see that our PRC therapists stay abreast of PRI course development and clinical updates, oversee the application, review and testing process and see that the process continues to grow.

There are a lot of new things taking place at the Institute.  What can we look forward to in 2010?
We are excited about our Interdisciplinary Integration course this April. This will be only the 2nd year for this course. The idea of bringing together professionals from such diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise to find commonality in treatment is the very mission of PRI and what identifies our Institute. We have 3 new speakers for this course: J. Paul Rutledge, MD, Neuropsychiatrist, Julie Hereford, DPT, and Curt Johnson, PT. Also new for 2010, a course titled, “Pelvic Floor Dysfunction” taught by Heather Engelbert and Lori Thomsen. Bobbie and my project list for 2010 includes the release of a 4th Edition CD of new PRI techniques. And I’m certain we will see some exciting opportunities next year that are unforeseen today.

On a different note, we will soon begin major renovations to our PRI office here in Lincoln. This includes a PRI Reference Library complete with electronic library software. The hundreds of PRI references will be easily accessible to all!

What new course locations are being offered in 2010?
We have first time host sites in Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, and New Mexico. I’m hoping to confirm additional courses for 2010 later this week or next week.

Let’s hear about some fun facts that others might not know…

What course is the most popular course taken?
Without looking at any statistical data, I would say Myokinematic Restoration.

How many courses does PRI typically offer in one calendar year?
In 2009 we scheduled 42 courses. 2010 will have a similar number of planned courses. We try to leave some room for the unexpected. This past year, we added courses in South Korea and a presentation in Poland.

Is there any strategy to planning course locations or is it based off of request?
A mix of strategy and request. When a course is requested, we will always try to make that happen. For 2010, we received a record number of hosting requests. Many of the requests were from clinics in the Midwest and Northeast so the schedule is weighted in those areas. Strategically, we try to make courses available in all regions of the US and staggered throughout the year.

I’m sure you have heard and witnessed some funny stuff at courses.  What’s the funniest story about Ron Hruska that comes to mind?  James Anderson? Mike Cantrell?
I’ve been waiting a long time for this opportunity!

Ron is notorious for leaving his laptop and projector lay right outside his hotel room door when traveling.  Some nice person will always knock on his door and give him back his (expensive and irreplaceable) equipment needed for the next day.

If we had a “speaker of the year” award, James would have claimed the prize last year. After a canceled flight, a rental car and an overnight Greyhound bus ride he made it to a course where he taught 12 attendees! Now that is what I call dedication!

I’ll always remember Mike’s prank phone call during a course break. He has a sense of humor and ability to disguise his voice unlike any other! Fifteen minutes is all he needs to get everyone laughing for the remainder of a day (and longer!).


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