On Treatment of a Patient with Removal of her Styloid Bone…

I am seeing a patient that has lymphedema in the left side of her face and neck.  She had a tonsillectomy in June 2007. They discovered she had Eagle Syndrome and was referred to Mayo Clinic where they removed 2cm of her styloid bone.  She has been having increased drainage from parotid gland and increased saliva since that time.  She does have a lot of the TMCC facial features.  We have been doing manual techniques with her, along with lymphedema treatments.  She looks much better but continues to have drainage and nausea. 
Have you come across anything like this? Do you have any suggestions or insight?

The drainage and nausea could be related to cranial imbalance; which we have seen and have treated with limited success (usually there is a cervical imbalance, occipital imbalance, temporal rotation, etc…associated with styloid surgery).  This all places torque on the sinuses and autonomics.  We would suggest that you continue to develop strength at her left abs and both lower traps and work on thoracic flexion with respiration.  She may need an appliance to take her out of her bite.