Clinical Questions

I treat pelvic floor dysfunction and I have a patient with problems with constipation and pain.  She has very poor hip mobility as she has recovered poorly from knee and hip total joint replacements.  How does squatting effect the pelvic floor and constipation?

I would highly recommend reading Nature’s Platform by Jonathan Isbit.  It will help to answer a lot of your questions about squatting.  The puborectalis muscle attaches from the pubic rami and back to the coccyx.  I don’t know what position your patients pelvis is in, however, in a Left AIC or PEC pattern the pelvis is forward and the coccyx is extended causing strain to the pelvic floor. The puborectalis muscle is shortened causing constriction around the anal sphincter, thus contributing to constipation pain.  The squat allows the pelvis at the coccyx to flex, ribs to go down, and ability to shift into the hips.  This allows the pelvic floor and the puborectalis muscle to relax.  Therefore, gravity and thigh pressure on the colon will aid in defecation versus the patient pushing against a pelvic floor on the toilet (Valsalva) where the puborectalis muscle is tight.

A lot of patients aren’t able to squat, however many of the PRI activities start with small squats.  It’s important for weight to be through the heels and the abdominals on. 

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