Ron’s Take on Cueing the Patient to Perform a Posterior Pelvic Tilt

During the PRT testing process, Ron was saying he doesn’t particularly like the posterior pelvic tilt cue…. I was wondering what his rationale is and how he prefers to cue it….

In the past when I asked patients to do a posterior pelvic tilt, I asked them to tilt their pelvis posteriorly, in essence, without ever asking them to inhibit specific muscle to do so.  It usually ended up with them focusing on abs and back extensors that would tense up. Or they would stiffen their back in attempting to do so, or they would hold their breath, or they would press their feet on the floor while in a supine hooklying position, or press their feet in the wall in a 90-90 position. Or they would do something else that interfered with them “pulling” their pelvis back with hamstrings. The abdominal rectus is a posterior pelvic tilt killer. So now I ask them to move their knees forward. I wish everyone would remember that the only way you can do an effective pelvic tilt is with the “knees going forward with feet planted.”  If the knees do not go forward in attempting a pelvic tilt, you are tilting with abs that are braced or being activated with concomitant hip flexor and back extensor activity, minimizing an effective posterior pelvic tilt with hamstrings, glutes and abdominals that should be transverse plane oriented, not sagittal oriented. An effective posterior pelvic tilt requires a gluteus maximus to externally rotate an acetabulum on a femur, not just extend an acetabulum on a femur. Thank you so much for the question!  -Ron