
This illustration is a reflection of the Right BC chain in a Left AIC pattern as one would observe it on a human being in the upright state without a zone of apposition on the left side. This is a very common pattern seen in the human body and reflects both the respiratory and neuromechanical lateralization issues that the human is gifted with. It’s a reflection of normal asymmetry when looking at rib cage position and balance. It’s to apparent to doubt it because of the consistency you see with respiratory function, the definitive strength, size and power of the right diaphragm in comparison to the left, and the organ and visceral imbalances between the right and left torso. It’s unquestionably one of the most fascinating asymmetries of our body and has generated the most discussion in PRI in that very few look at this region from an asymmetrical view point or from a patterned outlook. Many biomechanical or kinesiology studies don’t recognize it and although most pulmonologist’s understand the internal relationships of the left mediastinum to that on the right very few relate it to posture or imbalances placed on the musculature for alignment or for spinal support. I like the word “indubitable” to describe this illustration because of the apparent pattern that we as humans have and because of the unquestionable rotational torque placed on the rib cage because of that pattern. The loss of apposition or the reduction of apposition on the left side because of this “indubitable” pattern is why the manual techniques that have been outlined in PRI exist.