This is an illustration of the cranium and cervical complex that is positioned in a supine state. It illustrates an individual who has a limited amount of ability to establish an oral airway because of the position of the tongue, mandible and cranium when normal cervical lordosis is lost. This cervical cranial reflection generates a case of the “megrims”. Megrim and migraine share the same meaning etymologically. The Greek’s afflicted with pain on one side of the head called this ailment hemi-cranium which means half of the cranium. Nowadays, the word “megrim” and migraine are still used interchangeably but the word “megrim” can also refer to much less severe and painful departures from normal health whereas migraine is more catastrophic. Anything associated with this position, vertigo, cranial pain, dizziness or depression would refer to the word “megrim”. When I see limited oral airway, forward posturing, excessive cervical lordosis, and poor cervical opposition from the cervical flexors I think of “megrim”.
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