An Integrated Approach to the Treatment of Patterned Lumbo-Pelvic-Femoral Pathomechanics
Course Info
Live Stream Information
CE Approval
CE Approval
This advanced lecture and lab course explores the biomechanics of contralateral and ipsilateral myokinematic lumbo-pelvic-femoral dysfunction. Treatment emphasizes the restoration of pelvic-femoral alignment and recruitment of specific rotational muscles to reduce synergistic predictable patterns of pathomechanic asymmetry. Emphasis will be placed on restoration, recruitment, and retraining activities using internal and external rotators of the femur, pelvis, and lower trunk. Guidance will be provided on how to inhibit overactive musculature. This will enable the course participant to restore normal resting muscle position. Participants will be able to immediately apply PRI clinical assessment and management skills when treating diagnoses such as piriformis syndrome, ilio-sacral joint dysfunction, and low back strain.
Education Level: Advanced
Student Faculty Ratio 16:1
Instructional Methods: Lecture, demonstration & lab, clinical application, case studies, and Q&A
Live Stream courses will take place from 8am-5pm CT each day, and certificates of completion/CE credit will be awarded the following week after completion of the course evaluation survey and short post-test. For more information on whether your state/organization is approved for CE approval, please click on the “CE Approval” tab. Live Stream courses will be engaging, interactive and include demonstration of objective testing and/or non-manual techniques, in addition to course attendees being able to ask questions throughout the course. All that’s needed on your end is reliable internet access, a webcam, microphone and speaker (or a smart phone can be used if you do not have a computer or laptop with this capability) to utilize ZOOM for the live stream course. The ZOOM links for the live stream course will be included in the confirmation email. The course manual will be shipped directly to you 1-2 weeks before the course. *International registrants are discounted $30 since we do not ship manuals internationally, however you will be able to print the digital manual if you so choose. A digital version of the course manual will be added to your PRI account the week of the course. In addition, participants will receive access to the recording of the live stream course for 14 days to review the material, and re-watch any material that may have been missed due to connection issues. Those who attend in-person during a live streamed course will also receive access to the recording for 14 days. Extensions beyond this 14 day review are not available. ***Please note: In order to receive access to the recording for review, you must participate in person on the Live Stream course with your camera on for at least half of the course (7.5 hours). If you sign up for the course and do not participate in at least 7.5 hours of the live stream, you will not receive the recording and you will not be refunded. Also, once course manuals have been shipped (or the digital version has been added to your account), there will be no refunds for cancellations.***
Outline biomechanical principles of lower half musculoskeletal dysfunction as they relate to rotational patterns of the femur, pelvis, and lumbar spine, as well as occupational influence.
Describe how musculoskeletal dysfunction relates to articular chain asymmetry and patterns of synergistic compensatory activity.
Recognize how to apply examination and assessment skills to neuromuscular dyssynchrony and postural asymmetries that affect stability and function of the lower half.
Identify how to restore synchronous activity across the lumbo-pelvic-femoral complex and improve neuromuscular motor control of the muscles that stabilize these joints.
Outline how to design an interventional plan that includes various activities of daily living positions to decrease asymmetrical musculoskeletal demands.
Day One
7:30am – 8:00am
Registration and Light Breakfast
8:00am – 9:00am
Left Anterior Interior Chain (AIC) Pattern and Pelvic Joint Dynamics
9:00am – 10:00am
Lumbo-Pelvic-Femoral Capsuloligamentous Issues
10:00am – 10:15am
10:15am – 12:00pm
Femoral Internal and External Rotators
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Lunch (on your own)
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Myokinematic Influences on the Pelvis and Femur
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Examination Tests and Assessment:
Adduction Drop Test
Extension Drop Test
Straight Leg Raise
Femoral-Acetabular (FA) Rotation
Trunk Rotation
3:00pm – 3:15pm
3:15pm – 4:15pm
Examination Tests and Assessment (Lab)
4:15pm – 5:00pm
Repositioning Through Integrated Isolation (Demonstration/Lab)
Day Two
7:45am – 8:00am
and Light Breakfast
8:00am – 9:00am
Myokinematic Functional Relationships
9:00am – 10:00am
Examination Tests and Assessment
Hruska Adduction Lift Test
10:00am – 10:15am
10:15am – 11:00am
Examination Tests and Assessment (Lab)
Hruska Adduction Lift Test
11:00am – 12:00pm
Treatment Considerations and Myokinematic Hierarchy
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Lunch (on your own)
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Treatment Considerations Using the Hruska Adduction Lift Test
(Demonstration and Lab)
3:00pm – 3:15pm
3:15pm – 3:45pm
Case Studies
3:45pm – 4:30pm
Myokinematic Restoration Inhibition Programs
4:30pm – 5:00pm
Left AIC Related Pathomechanics
Piriformis Syndrome
Ilio-Sacral Joint Dysfunction
Low Back Strain
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Athletic Pubalgia/Osteitis Pubis
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Hamstring Length & Flexibility
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Hamstring Strains
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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Hamstring Strength
Kaminski, Wabbersen, Murphy. Concentric vs enhanced eccentric hamstring strength. Journal of Athletic Training. 1998;33(3): 216-221.
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Hamstrings & ACL
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Hamstrings & Athletes
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Hamstrings & SLR Testing
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Hip Impingement
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Patellar Tracking/Knee Impairments
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Lee TQ, Morris G, Csintalan RP. The influence of tibial and femoral rotation on patellofemoral contact area and pressure. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2003;33:686-693.
Mangine R, Bilbo J, Mangine M. Knee rehabilitation – examining external supports for patella pathology. Biomechanics/Phys Ther. May 1997: 7-9.
Meira, E and Brumitt J. Influence of hip on patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome: a systematic review. Sports Health Vol 3(5):455-465.
Metgud S, Chougule A, Heggannavar A. Effects of hemibridge with ball and balloon exercise as an adjunct to conventional therapy in knee osteoarthritis patients: a randomized control trial. Asian J Med Health Res. 2017;2(6)
Park SH, et al. Lower-limb kinematic change during pelvis anterior and posterior tilt in double-limb support in healthy subjects with knee malalignment. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jul;19(15):9164.
Piva S, Goodnite E, and Childs J. Strength around the hip and flexibility of soft tissues in individuals with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2005;35(12):793-801.
Powers C. The influence of abnormal hip mechanics on knee injury: a biomechanical perspective. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2010;40:42-51.
Powers C. The influence of altered lower-extremity kinematics on patellofemoral joint dysfunction: a theoretical perspective. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2003;33:639-646.
Powers C, Landel R, Perry J. Timing and intensity of vastus muscle activity during functional activities in subjects with and without patellofemoral pain. Physical Therapy. Sept 1996;76(9): 946-955.
Powers C, Perry J, Hsu A, Hislop H. Are patellofemoral pain and quadriceps femoris muscle torque associated with locomotor function? Physical Therapy. Oct 1997;77(10): 1063-1075.
Prins MR, van der Wurff P. Females with patellofemoral pain syndrome have weak hip muscles: a systematic review. Aust J Physiother. 2009;55:9-15.
Rathleff MS, Rathleff CR et al. Is hip strength a risk factor for patellofemoral pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med. 2014;48:1088.
Salsich GB, Perman WH. Paterllofemoral joint contact area is influence by tibiofemoral rotation alignment in individuals who have patellofemoral pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007;37:521-528.
Tiberio D. Kinetic chain. Biomechanics/Phys Ther. May 1997: 15-16.
Van Can J, Pineux C et al. Hip muscle strength and endurance in females with patellofemoral pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2014;9:564-582.
Bagwell J, et al. Sagittal plane pelvis motion influences transverse plane motion of the femur: Kinematic coupling at the hip joint. Gait & Posture, 2016;43:120-124.
Boyle K, Demske J. Management of a female with chronic sciatica and low back pain: A Case Report. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 25(1):44-54,2009.
Chaudhari A, McKenzie C, et al. Lumbopelvic control and days missed because of injury in professional baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med. Published online August 26, 2014.
Fouladi N, et al. Comparing the effects of the Postural Restoration exercises with and without core stability exercises in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain. Journal of Modern Rehabilitation. 2024 Jan;18(1):41-54.
Hodges PW, Richardson CA. Inefficient muscular stabilization of the lumbar spine associated with low back pain. A motor control evaluation of transversus abdominis. Spine. 1996;21:2640-2650.
Hodges PW, Richardson, CA. Transversus abdominis and the superficial abdominal muscles are controlled independently in a postural task. Neurosci Lett. 1999;265:91-94.
Inglis JT, Horak FB, Shupert CL, Jones-Rycewicz C. The importance of somatosensory information in triggering and scaling automatic postural responses in humans. Exp Brain Res 1994;(101):159-164.
Jackson LR, Purvis J, Brown T. The effects of postural and anatomical alignment on speed, power and athletic performance in male collegiate athletes: a randomized controlled trial. IJSPT. August 2019;14(4):623-636.
Karimi N, Fathizadeh M, et al. Efficacy of pelvic repositioning exercises on pain, hip and shoulder range of motion and disability of the patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: a single blinded randomized controlled trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research. 2021;8(3):106-114.
Spence H. Case study report: postural restoration: an effective physical therapy approach to patient treatment. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management, 2008; 12: 102-104.
Tenney HR, Boyle KL, and DeBord A. Influence of hamstring and abdominal muscle activation on a positive ober’s test in people with lumbopelvic pain. Physiotherapy Canada. 2013;65(1)4-11.
Zink JG and Lawson, WB. An osteopathic structural examination and functional interpretation of the soma. Osteopathic Annals, 1979; 7(12): 433-440.
Muscular Structures of the Pelvis
IC Adductor (Ischiocondylar portion of the adductor magnus)
There are two anterior interior polyarticular muscular chains in the body that have a significant influence on respiration, rotation of the trunk, ribcage, spine and lower extremities. They are composed of muscles that attach to the costal cartilage and bone of rib seven through 12 to the lateral patella, head of the fibula and lateral condyle of the tibia. These two tracts of muscles, one on the left side of the interior thoraco-abdominal-pelvic cavity and one on the right, are composed of the diaphragm and the psoas muscle. With the iliacus, tensor fasciae latae, biceps femoris and vastus lateralis muscles this chain provides the support and anchor for abdominal counter force, trunk rotation and flexion movement.
FA = Femoral Acetabular (femur moving on the acetabulum)
AF = Acetabular Femoral (acetabulum moving on the femur)
Left AIC = Left Anterior Interior Chain
FA IR = Femoral Acetabular Internal Rotation
AF IR = Acetabular Femoral Internal Rotation
Recommended Reading
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Other Healthcare and Fitness Professionals
PRI welcomes any licensed healthcare or certified fitness professional to attend our courses. You may be asked to submit your license to practice as a healthcare professional or qualified fitness or strength coach certification (though an organization that is recognized in the United States) to attend PRI courses. Students studying to become a healthcare or fitness professional at an accredited university are encouraged to enroll, and may be asked to provide enrollment status and program/degree information. If you have questions about whether you are eligible to complete PRI courses, please contact us. Attendees are responsible for following their state statutes regulating their professional practice. A certificate will be awarded to attendees upon completion of this course or any of the other PRI courses.
Accessible Learning Environments
All participants in Postural Restoration Institute™ (PRI) continuing education courses are entitled to an accessible, accommodating, and supportive teaching and learning environment. Participants have the right to request accommodations and the responsibility to provide disability documentation that supports those requests. PRI has the right to establish eligibility guidelines in accordance with both law and policy regarding disability and provide those accommodations that appropriately provide equal access to the programs and activities it sponsors.
A Certificate of Completion for 15 contact hours is awarded to attendees upon the successful completion of this course. Before attending a course, please verify CEU acceptance with your profession’s regulating body.
Physical Therapists and PT Assistants
In the states where PRI is sponsoring courses and where approval through state American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) or licensing agencies is required, PRI will apply for approval for CEUs for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants.
The following states accept other state approval and thus would honor this course as an approved course:
Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington DC, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.
Approved by the Arkansas State Board of Physical Therapy for 15 hours. Date of Approval 6/21/18. Approval does not expire, provided the course does not change.
Approved by the Arkansas State Board of Physical Therapy for 15 hours. Date of Approval 6/21/18. Approval does not expire, provided the course does not change.
Approved by the Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 1.5 CEU’s. Approval valid June 14, 2021 – June 14, 2025.
Approved by the New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions. Approval valid February 18, 2025-February 17, 2028.
Approved by the Ohio Physical Therapy Association for 15 CE hours. Course approval #24S2274. Approval valid July 1, 2024 – July 1, 2025.
Approved by the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 15 CCUs for PTs and PTAs. Approval #79208TX. Approval valid October 11, 2024-October 11, 2026.
Approved by the California Physical Therapy Association for 1.5 CEUs. Approval valid March 8, 2024 – March 8, 2025. CPTA #23-624. *Approval valid only for courses offered in the state of California. If you attend this course outside the state of California, you will need to submit an individual CEU approval application with the CPTA.
Approved by the Illinois Physical Therapy Association for 15 CE Hours. Course Approval #205-9502. Approval valid January 1, 2025 – January 1, 2026.
Approved by the New Jersey Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 15 contact hours. Course Approval #2412-24. Approval valid January 1, 2025 – January 31, 2026.
Approved by the Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy for 15 CE hours. Approval valid for all 2025 course dates. Course Approval #11818. Approval valid January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025.
In the states where PRI is sponsoring courses and where approval through state licensing agencies is required, PRI will look into applying for CEUs for Chiropractors (upon request). Requests must be made at least 90 days prior to the course date.
Approved by the Minnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners for 15 regular units of instruction for 2025 course dates.
Approved by the New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions. Approval valid February 18, 2022 – February 17, 2025; renewal approved and valid February 18, 2025-February 17-2028.
Occupational Therapists and OT Assistants
PRI is no longer recognized as an Approved Provider through the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Many states do not require any sort of pre-approval process. And of the ones that do, most state licensure boards allow self-submission of CE programs. Please check with your state licensure board to determine if you will be able to submit PRI courses for CE hours.
Athletic Trainers & Athletic Therapists
The Postural Restoration Institute (BOC AP# P2376) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Certified Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for a maximum of 15 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.
The Postural Restoration Institute is approved as a CATA Accredited Provider, which enables the provider to offer courses to CATA members as pre-approved for members to earn continuing education units (CEUs). CATA CEUs are assigned to a course based on the following equation: Course contact hours x 0.4 = CATA CEUs.
Strength and Conditioning Coaches
This course is approved by the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association (CSCCa) for 7.5 CEU’s.
Since continuing education courses are not required to have pre-approval through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), this course is not currently approved through the NSCA. NSCA certificants interested in completing this course may contact the NSCA to inquire about CEU eligibility.
Massage Therapists
PRI is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Provider number 451877-12. *Approval applies to select live courses only. This live course is approved. **Approval not valid for New York licensed massage therapists.
Other Healthcare and Fitness Professionals
PRI welcomes any licensed healthcare or certified fitness professional to attend our courses. You may be asked to submit your license to practice as a healthcare professional or qualified fitness or strength coach certification (though an organization that is recognized in the United States) to attend PRI courses. Students studying to become a healthcare or fitness professional at an accredited university are encouraged to enroll, and may be asked to provide enrollment status and program/degree information. If you have questions about whether you are eligible to complete PRI courses, please contact us. Attendees are responsible for following their state statutes regulating their professional practice. A certificate will be awarded to attendees upon completion of this course or any of the other PRI courses.
PRI reserves the right to cancel and refund a course attendee’s registration if any concerns arise regarding the course attendee’s qualifications as a healthcare or fitness professional, copyright infringement, or any other illegal activity involving PRI copyrighted materials. International attendees may be required to review and sign a Copyright and Intellectual Property Recognition and Disclosure Contract prior to receiving access to course materials.
A Certificate of Completion for 15 contact hours is awarded to attendees upon the successful completion of this course. Before attending a course, please verify CEU acceptance with your profession’s regulating body.
Physical Therapists and PT Assistants
In the states where PRI is sponsoring courses and where approval through state American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) or licensing agencies is required, PRI will apply for approval for CEUs for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants.
The following states accept other state approval and thus would honor this course as an approved course:
Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington DC, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.
Approved by the Arkansas State Board of Physical Therapy for 15 hours. Date of Approval 6/21/18. Approval does not expire, provided the course does not change.
Approved by the Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 1.5 CEU’s. Approval valid June 14, 2021 – June 14, 2025.
Approved by the New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions. Approval valid February 18, 2025-February 17, 2028.
Approved by the Ohio Physical Therapy Association for 15 CE hours. Course approval #24S2274. Approval valid July 1, 2024 – July 1, 2025.
Approved by the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 15 CCUs for PTs and PTAs. Approval #79208TX. Approval valid October 11, 2024-October 11, 2026.
Approved by the California Physical Therapy Association for 1.5 CEUs. Approval valid March 8, 2024 – March 8, 2025. CPTA #23-624. *Approval valid only for courses offered in the state of California & Live Streams. If you attend this course outside the state of California, you will need to submit an individual CEU approval application with the CPTA.
Approved by the Illinois Physical Therapy Association for 15 CE Hours. Course Approval #205-9502. Approval valid January 1, 2025 – January 1, 2026.
Approved by the Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy for 15 CE hours. Course Approval #11819. Approval valid January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025. *This approval number is for live stream courses only.
In the states where PRI is sponsoring courses and where approval through state licensing agencies is required, PRI will look into applying for CEUs for Chiropractors (upon request). Requests must be made at least 90 days prior to the course date.
Approved by the Minnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners for 15 regular units of instruction for 2025 course dates.
Approved by the New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions. Approval valid February 18, 2022 – February 17, 2025; renewal approved and valid February 18, 2025-February 17-2028.
Occupational Therapists and OT Assistants
PRI is no longer recognized as an Approved Provider through the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Many states do not require any sort of pre-approval process. And of the ones that do, most state licensure boards allow self-submission of CE programs. Please check with your state licensure board to determine if you will be able to submit PRI courses for CE hours.
Athletic Trainers & Athletic Therapists
Postural Restoration Institute (BOC AP# P2376) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Certified Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for a maximum of 15 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.
The Postural Restoration Institute is approved as a CATA Accredited Provider, which enables the provider to offer courses to CATA members as pre-approved for members to earn continuing education units (CEUs). CATA CEUs are assigned to a course based on the following equation: Course contact hours x 0.4 = CATA CEUs.
Strength and Conditioning Coaches
This course is approved by the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association (CSCCa) for 7.5 CEU’s.
Since continuing education courses are not required to have pre-approval through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), this course is not currently approved through the NSCA. NSCA certificants interested in completing this course may contact the NSCA to inquire about CEU eligibility.
Massage Therapists
PRI is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Provider number 451877-12. *Approval applies to select live courses only. This live course is approved. **Approval not valid for New York licensed massage therapists.
Other Healthcare and Fitness Professionals
PRI welcomes any licensed healthcare or certified fitness professional to attend our courses. You may be asked to submit your license to practice as a healthcare professional or qualified fitness or strength coach certification (though an organization that is recognized in the United States) to attend PRI courses. Students studying to become a healthcare or fitness professional at an accredited university are encouraged to enroll, and may be asked to provide enrollment status and program/degree information. If you have questions about whether you are eligible to complete PRI courses, please contact us. Attendees are responsible for following their state statutes regulating their professional practice. A certificate will be awarded to attendees upon completion of this course or any of the other PRI courses.
PRI reserves the right to cancel and refund a course attendee’s registration if any concerns arise regarding the course attendee’s qualifications as a healthcare or fitness professional, copyright infringement, or any other illegal activity involving PRI copyrighted materials. International attendees may be required to review and sign a Copyright and Intellectual Property Recognition and Disclosure Contract prior to receiving access to course materials.
I had a lot of questions! Kasey was thoughtful and took the time to answer clearly. | Scottsdale, AZ, November 2024Thoroughly enjoyed Kasey Ratliff as an instructor!! | Scottsdale, AZ, November 2024
I was worried the content would be way over my head but this course was great. The instructor did a good job of explaining things. Honestly, this course was the most engaged I have been in continuing education course… ever. |Live Stream, October 2024
I loved this course as it gave further insight into the origin of asymmetries of the human body and how to understand, assess, and program to address compensatory patterns. Craig, the speaker, was awesome. |Live Stream, October 2024
Jason did an amazing job of providing clear explanations, repeating things frequently throughout the weekend and helping break down this still very novel (to me) concept of PRI. |Brunswick, ME, October 2024
Jason was excellent. He created a good learning environment. Most importantly, he took a special interest in making sure I was getting concepts, as I was most likely the lowest common denominator in the room as an LMT. |Brunswick, ME, October 2024
Jason answered all of my questions clearly and in a way that I could understand. He created an environment where I felt safe to be wrong, the mark of a good teacher. |Brunswick, ME, October 2024
Jason is one of the best speakers in the PRI courses I’ve attended. WELL explained and made sure to reiterate which was helpful. |Brunswick, ME, October 2024
Kasey is relatable, kind and engaging. |Valencia, CA, September 2024
Kasey was very knowledgeable and very positive and helpful with everyone’s questions. |Valencia, CA, September 2024
Jason is a phenomenal instructor and went well out of his way to answer my questions that related to other higher level PRI courses. | Sammamish, WA, August 2024
I thought the speaker, Jason Miller, did an excellent job presenting the material compared to another PRI course I took. PRI can be very overwhelming initially, but he presented the information in a way that made sense and more straightforward. I feel that I am able to apply PRI concepts in my practice and look forward to future courses. | Sammamish, WA, August 2024
Really enjoyed. It’s one of the best courses I’ve taken in a long time. A good amount of time is spent reviewing relevant anatomy before learning the related course topics. | Sammamish, WA, August 2024
Thoroughly enjoyed the course. Well organized. Speaker kept on schedule and was very knowledgeable and thorough. Great amount of lab time for practice. Motivated to take more courses. | Goldsboro, August 2024
Lecture was the right pace, the real examples and expectation of critical thinking was beneficial to start piecing things together. I appreciated Jen’s humor, energy and passion.| Goldsboro, August 2024
Kasey was amazing! I do believe this is one of the best CEU classes I have been to. Kasey and Derya truly cared about each persons questions or helping them understand a specific exercise/topic. Even the small things that were thought about (such as the coloring, providing book tabs, balls for the adductor exercises) made the course even better, as you could tell how much thought was put into the course as a whole. The manual was also well organized and detailed.. and so helpful to have even a small “cheat sheet” for helping implement this for our own patients. Overall I am very thankful for the people behind the scenes that have made this course happen. | San Antonio, TX, July 2024
I think Kasey did a great job at explaining and demonstrating concepts and making sure we remember key “money muscles.” | San Antonio, TX, July 2024
The speaker was fabulous and answered all of our questions with enthusiasm. | Quincy, IL, April 2024
Jason answered every question and also re-demonstrated some techniques that I don’t use as much as PTs do, and made sure I understood before leaving. | Lincoln, NE & Live Stream, March 2024
I really enjoyed the speaker’s instruction style and found him easy to follow, good dynamic speaker. | Lincoln, NE & Live Stream, March 2024
Craig was an awesome speaker, he kept us engaged with some really difficult topics and was very charismatic and answered all our questions and is able to break down the concepts well. I would love to take another course from him, one of the best speakers I’ve ever had. He kept the whole class engaged and I really liked the way he taught the class. | Albuquerque, NM, 2024
Jason was very engaging and knowledgeable – he made it easy to understand the principles and objectives of the course. | Missoula, MT, September 2023Jason was an excellent educator, he explained the concepts in detail and repeated the take home messages, he used PP slides, the hip/pelvis model, lecture, demonstration and his knowledge to effectively instruct the material. He took his time and it never felt rushed. | Missoula, MT, September 2023
Speaker was excellent! Extremely knowledgeable on all subject matters. He kept stating things several times and going back to them throughout the course this was helpful. | Live Stream, August 2023
Craig was a fantastic instructor who really allowed for clinicians to make tangible sense of course material. | Live Stream, August 2023
Dan is the best speaker I have ever seen. Even though I am not a native English speaker I understood everything. The volume was great. I felt like there was power and content in every sentence. The time really flew by. I really hope to attend another one of Dan’s courses someday. He is responsive to questions, has incredible technical knowledge and is friendly. | Munich, Germany, July 2023
I have never seen anyone who can respond so extremely well and directly to questions in a lecture and still not lose the thread. Dan was the ultimate I am totally inspired. | Munich, Germany, July 2023
Jason was absolutely great. 10/10 worth spending my weekend. | Tacoma, WA, June 2023
Jason Miller did a phenomenal with demonstrating. | Tacoma, WA, June 2023
Loved Kasey’s teaching style! She made things very clear! | Abilene, TX, May 2023
Kasey was phenomenal. Thank you for a wonderful experience. | Abilene, TX, May 2023
This course changed the way I think about patient care, truly giving me the WHY behind movement patterns along with practical ways to use this information to help my patients. I can’t wait to take more courses. | Abilene, TX, May 2023
Craig was very organized and his understanding and translation of the information was excellent. | Alexandria, MN, May 2023
Craig was incredibly knowledgeable and was able to use some humor and memorable examples to solidify the difficult concepts and make them easier to understand. | Alexandria, MN, May 2023
The instructor was absolutely splendid! Amazing job & extremely engaging! | New York, NY, April 2023
The information was presented well and the instructor did an amazing job keeping the class engaged. | New York, NY, April 2023
Kasey did great, blended bits of jokes here and there without being distracting, and provided plenty of real world examples to help drive the theory home. It was great overall. | Live Stream, March 2023
This is my first course in PRI and for being new to the industry, I was encouraged as to how well Kasey was able to simplify very complex information and make it understandable. Was thankful for her patience, her expertise, willing fail to answer questions, and energy. Also thought practically the production and visual aids were very well done. | Live Stream, March 2023
Great presenters! Very knowledgeable and willing to answer questions. | Wheaton, IL, March 2023
This was one of the best courses I have taken with PRI. | Wheaton, IL, March 2023
Dan and Jason are excellent. Explained complex concepts in a language easy to understand. | Wheaton, IL, March 2023
It was an amazing course! There was a lot of new information presented, but it was presented in a very organized way and at a pace that allowed me to truly understand each concept before moving on to the next one. The course manual is also laid out in a very user-friendly manner and has been helpful to refer back to for me to review the information learned or to use the exercises. | Live Stream, November 2022
Really enjoyed Kasey and how passionate she is about the material. Awesome full circle moment for me from starting my PRI introduction as her PT technician. Was a good review and appreciated the ability to take from home. | Live Stream, November 2022
Loved this course! The best course I have taken, Life changing!! | Live Stream, November 2022
Craig and Dan were excellent instructors. They worked well together and their expertise using examples from the clinic was very complementary. |Oak Brook, IL, November 2022
Craig and Dan were able to break down the parts to make it easier to learn in a logical order. | Oak Brook, IL, November 2022
Excellent content and information was presented in a clear/concise manner. Will definitely be taking more courses from PRI and will be referring others as well! | Valencia, CA, September 2022
This was my first PRI course. The instructors were excellent. I would love to take any other course from them. | Valencia, CA, September 2022
Kasey was excellent, loved her presentation style and she made the concepts easy to digest, would definitely take any other courses she teaches. | Valencia, CA, September 2022
Both of the speakers were AWESOME and very knowledgeable, and knew how to relay the info to us in a way we could understand. I LOVED THIS COURSE!!! I will definitely take another course with PRI! | Virginia Beach, VA, August 2022
I was very impressed with the knowledge base of the instructors, and how much we were able to fit into two days! I will definitely be returning to take more PRI courses! |Boston, MA, June 2022
Wonderful course. Very well put together instruction and great explanation of decision making for the algorithm. |Boston, MA, June 2022
I have been burnt out and have been seeking continuing education to get me excited about the practice of physical therapy again. Not only did the course content do that, but the preceptors’ active engagement and passion reinvigorated my love for patient care. We were beyond lucky to have a very low student to teacher ratio that I feel was very beneficial. Their enthusiasm for teaching and patient care was apparent. They were consistently engaged and embodied the mission of life long learning. The staff was eager to teach and were open to questions or concerns and ensured all of us understood the concepts to the fullest extent possible by utilizing different teaching styles. Jen was engaging and I can easily say was the best instructor I have had in a long time. Her passion and humor kept a heavy subject matter light and easy to understand. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from her and the rest of the staff, I am looking forward to my next course! | Lincoln, NE & Live Stream, March 2022
Absolutely mind-blowing way to look at the human body and the way it functions within asymmetrical compensations. I was never taught to look at things this way in school. I always thought to myself that there was always something missing, in terms of patient’s progressing, and I think I found it with this course! Look forward to seeing the results in my patients! | Live Stream, March 2021
Kasey was a fantastic speaker and very knowledgeable/relatable. | Live Stream, March 2021
Kasey is great. Very knowledgable and articulate. It was helpful watching her helping the onsite participants during lab. | Live Stream, March 2021
Excellent! Thank you so much. Dan was the most knowledgable teacher I have had yet. This is my 4th PRI course. | Missoula, MT, September 2019
Dan is one of the best presenters I’ve seen in 22 years! | Annapolis, MD, June 2019
It was an awesome course & it really gave me a lot to consider about how I’ve treated my past athletes & will treat them in the future. | Annapolis, MD, June 2019
So glad I finally got to take a PRI course! | New York, NY, November 2018
Thank you, I am feeling more inspired again. This is tapping into my brain and body in wonderful ways. | Covington, LA, August 2018
It was AWESOME! Renewed my passion for the ability to make a difference in athlete’s lives. | Boston, MA, June 2017
I would highly recommend this course to other PTs and health professionals. I can’t wait to sign up for another PRI course! | Denver, CO, May 2017
By far the best practical course I’ve ever taken for hip and pelvis dysfunctions. | Vancouver, Canada 2016
Fantastic course. I feel like I learned as much about biomechanics in one weekend than in my entire collegiate career. | Vancouver, Canada 2016
So glad I came! Learned great eval and treatment techniques that I can apply right away | Kearney, NE, July 2015
Outstanding – looking forward to taking other PRI courses. | Kearney, NE, July 2015
This course made a huge difference in helping me truly begin to understand & apply the concept. | Coppell, TX, February 2014
Great seminar. I’m excited to head back to work with new tools. | Coppell, TX, February 2014
Jen is an excellent teacher. She was very easy to follow and made sure we all understood something before moving on. | Coppell, TX, February 2014
Fabulous course – interesting and applicable. | Portland, Oregon, February 2013
Very informative and inspirational. | Portland, Oregon, February 2013
I am motivated to learn more! | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2012
Jen is an outstanding presenter who simplifies complex material without compressing the content. | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2012
Very informative and useful for current practice; looking forward to next course. | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2012
I feel this was great content, especially for the “I’ve done several things with limited result” patients. | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2012
Very in-depth. Best resource out! Thank you! | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2012
Was skeptical about the premise with effectiveness of TX approach. Was very happy to be taught how effective the techniques were and how applicable the system is. | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2012
Very valuable. Likely to take all courses | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2012
Sensational course – riveting stuff | Chapel Hill, North Carolina, October 2012
This is my 2nd course with PRI and have felt I learned a great deal and well worth the time and money. | Dallas, Texas, September 2012
Course was powerful, refreshing, informative. Great stuff! Will definitely take all 3 intro courses. | Dallas, Texas, September 2012
Great course! I learned a lot! | Dallas, Texas, September 2012
Excited to digest the material and start applying it! Thanks! | Dallas, Texas, September 2012
Mind blowing! I need time to digest it but I love it. | Dallas, Texas, September 2012
Great course! I lot of good and detailed info delivered in a way I could understand. Great speaker! | Dallas, Texas, September 2012
Great presentation and new way of thinking about treatment. | Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 2012
Very good. Feel fortunate to know about this information. | Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 2012
The course opened my eyes to a different technique for management of spine physical therapy or all my patients. | Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 2012
It has really opened my eyes and made me really excited to learn more and really help people. | Monterey, California, August 2012
Excellent course. I’m excited to attend more and continue learning PRI therapy. | Bemidji, Minnesota, May 2012
I enjoyed the course, found very useful and would like to learn more. | Bemidji, Minnesota, May 2012
Wonderful – feel I have just enough to be dangerous…need Postural Respiration course now! | Bemidji, Minnesota, May 2012
Great material, quick finds to problems and easy solutions! | Richmond, Virginia, May 2012
Heading in the right direction. Looking forward to other courses. | Richmond, Virginia, May 2012
It made sooooo much more sense the second time! | Richmond, Virginia, May 2012
Jen was awesome, energetic and interesting. | Richmond, Virginia, May 2012
Great course, hope I can implement it. | Seattle, Washington, April 2012
Love the concepts of PRI. Can’t wait to learn more. | Seattle, Washington, April 2012
Best course and presenter ever! Truly. | St. Louis, Missouri, March 2012
Good info, makes you think. | Albert Lea, Minnesota, February 2012
Excellent course, instructor and information, which can be applied clinically immediately. | Albert Lea, Minnesota, February 2012
Wonderful; learned a lot and excited to attend more and learn more. | Lincoln, Nebraska, February 2012
I am extremely excited to continue the PRI courses from here on out. This truly answers the questions as for what we are TRYING to accomplish in the clinic. Thanks Ron. | Lincoln, Nebraska, February 2012
Great speaker. Good information. Very helpful with lab course. | Lincoln, Nebraska, February 2012
I truly enjoyed it and appreciated the speaker’s approach and humility. | Lincoln, Nebraska, February 2012
Very great course. So glad I was able to attend. | Lincoln, Nebraska, February 2012
Very good speaker!! Taught from book, demo and experience. Good vocal skills to keep audience listening. | Lincoln, Nebraska, February 2012
Very good speaker. Keeps you on your toes and challenges you. | Sioux Falls, South Dakota, January 2012
It exceeded all expectations. | Salem, Oregon, January 2012
Look forward to more PRI courses with Jen. AWESOME JOB! | Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2011
Jen was amazing. I am so impressed and her personality and knowledge. | Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2011
Mind-blowing. I feel there’s a whole realm I can tie this into in my training but no idea where yet! | Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2011
Excellent speaker and excellent knowledge-loved all the lab time. Thank you! Great job! | Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2011
First I would like to personally thank you for coming to Alaska this past weekend to lecture on myokinematic restoration. Your course helped immediately relieve the frustration I have experienced for years regarding physical therapy protocols. My clinic has put into practice the skills we learned from your course from the very first patient of the day on Monday morning. We have not had a single patient leave the office without substantial improvement in their condition all week!
This course was great. Excellent explanation of biomechanics and function with great detail. | Southfield, Michigan, September 2011
Wow. A whole new way of approaching the hip/pelvis/back. | Southfield, Michigan, September 2011
I have said that when I get to heaven my reward for staying in PT will be to know what was really wrong with my patients. I just got a piece of heaven early. Thank you. | Rockford, Illinois, May 2011
Excellent. None better ever in 30 years of being a PT!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I didn’t have to write all of this out. The course manual is my new PT Bible I have to look at my patients completely differently. | Missoula, Montana, February 2011
Best course I’ve been on. | Missoula, Montana, February 2011
Changed my life! I plan to use the course information and skills learned for everyone in my life, including my patients. Excellent. | Missoula, Montana, February 2011
I truly believe that this course will not only change my practice as a PT but also my own personal life. I look forward to the Postural Respiration course! | Hancock, Michigan, April 2010
Extremely knowledgeable and dynamic instructor! Course represents 180-degree shift from prior training and I’m looking forward to giving the techniques a try! | St. Petersburg, Florida, May 2009
Ron and Jason- Thank you for coming up and consulting with us at our facility. You guys are an integral part of our program. We look forward to continuing our relationship with you in the future. The Myokinematic course probably enhanced our program by at least 60%. We are on board with you guys and are truly appreciative! Thanks, The Xplosive Edge Staff | Omaha, Nebraska, November 2008
Excellent course! As a physical therapist, the concept of myokinematics is essential to providing long-term positive outcomes for our patients. This is what I’ve been missing. | Lincoln, Nebraska, October 2008
PRI offers the most astounding intervention techniques. It should be implemented into PT/PTA curriculum & any healthcare program. | Boone, North Carolina, May 2008
A life changing course for personal health and for the health of my patients. Thank you for finding and sharing the missing element for physical therapy. Hopefully this will eventually change the course of physical therapy everywhere. | Warner Robins, Georgia, October 2006
Excellent course. I am so glad I got to come and learn. Instructor made you think anatomically, biomechanically and clinically. | St. Petersburg, Florida, October 2005
The course was excellent, full of information that will be very helpful in my clinical setting. I am looking forward to continuing to learn more about this concept and subject matter. Thank you! | Herdon, Virginia, July 2005
This course makes more sense than traditional treatment and results are reached quickly. | Herdon, Virginia, July 2005
I attended a course in April in North Dakota. Since, then I have been increasingly using your techniques with increasing success. You have brought physics and science into the PT field in way that few others will ever come close to. I appreciate your work, effort, and passion in getting your information out to other PTs. I sincerely hope that your methods will continue to grow in popularity, as they will give someone (PTs hopefully) the tools to provide patients with solutions to problems that are currently poorly addressed elsewhere. Thanks. | Fargo, North Dakota, May 2005
Another exceptional course, easily the best I’ve attended ever. Ron’s work blows current schools of thought out of the water. How can PT’s be trained without learning this approach? | Lincoln, Nebraska, January 2005
This course definitely gave me a lot to think about and a lot of ideas to begin applying to baseball players. | Lincoln, Nebraska, January 2005
Amazing, proactive and stimulating. I have to rethink concepts that I have followed in over 20 years of practice. | Lincoln, Nebraska, December 2003
Best course I’ve been to over the past 17 years! | Lincoln, Nebraska, December 2003
Very interesting and helpful. Created an enthusiasm and excitement about treating patients. I can’t wait to apply this new way of thinking. | Reno, Nevada, May 2003
Most applicable and informative course that I have taken. Now I finally understand how to mechanically assess and treat the human body. I can’t wait to take the “Postural” course. | Reno, Nevada, May 2003
Oct 10-11, 2025 (Fri-Sat)
Live Stream
Kasey Ratliff
Course Registration
Registration is limited to ensure a low faculty to student ratio. Please register early. Courses will be canceled or rescheduled if fewer than 15 participants have registered by the early registration deadline of four weeks prior to the scheduled course date.
Special Needs Requests
If you have a disability and require accommodation in order to fully participate in this course, please contact us at least two weeks prior to the course date or prior to purchasing any online home study course so that arrangements can be made.
Course Completion
The course must be attended in full, and an online course evaluation summary and short post-test (with a passing score of 70% or higher) must be completed in order to receive a certificate of completion. Certificates of completion will be emailed after the online course evaluation summary and post-test have been completed If you arrive late, or leave early, your certificate of completion will be adjusted for the number of CE hours you were in attendance. *For live stream courses, if you have your camera turned off (or you are not visible on camera) at any time for greater than 15 minutes, this time will be deducted from your total hours on your certificate of completion.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Tuition is refundable less $50 if cancelled 14 days before the course date. Tuition is not refundable for registrations or cancellations within 14 days of the course. However, you may have someone attend in your place or attend on another date. If you choose to attend on another date, a $50 fee applies to transfer your registration. If you are a no show and we have no communication with you before the course you will forfeit your course tuition. PRI reserves the right to cancel a course and will refund the tuition fee only. *Please note: For Live Stream Courses, once course manuals have been shipped (or emailed to international attendees), there will be no refunds for cancellations.