Jeremy Wehking

Jeremy Wehking of Advanced Physical Therapy Specialists, loves puzzles. Not the 1,000-piece, cute-kitten kind of puzzle, but the kind of puzzle each physical therapy patient offers. For Jeremy, every patient […]

Kurt Weidauer

Articles Right or Left Reach with PRI Non-Manual Techniques?

Matthew Uohara

Matthew Uohara is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA.  He holds a Masters in Human Movement.  Matthew has studied Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization through the Prague Rehabilitation School, […]

Adam Van Nortwick

I’m the owner of a private practice fee for service physical therapy and sport performance center. We specialize in one-on-one patient centered care to help you best meet your goals.

Kazuma Tanimoto

PRP Credential Earned: 2023 Kazuma Tanimoto, from Ehime, Japan, graduated from Okayama Medical Technique Professional Training College. After graduating from college, he worked at hospital setting for 10 years engaging […]

Tom Tardif

Dr. Tom is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, master postural and movement specialist, nutritionist, and strength & conditioning specialist. He has been working with patients and athletes of all ages […]

Karen Taylor Soiles

Karen Taylor Soiles began her career with a physical therapy degree from Northeastern University, Boston 1984 then obtained a MA in 1988 from Columbia University, NY in Motor Learning. She […]

Lori Thomsen

Lori completed her Bachelor of Biology degree from Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln, Nebraska and her Master of Physical Therapy from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Her many years […]

Rie Takakura

Rie is a Japan native, who graduated from the University of Montana with a Doctor in Physical Therapy. She fell in love with the PRI science in 2015 that completely […]

Tyler Tanaka

Tyler is a physical therapist and strength and conditioning coach at Divergence PT and Wellness Seaport in Boston. He earned his Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from Springfield College […]