Jonathan Rowe

Shirly Rozenfeld

Sidney Rivera II

In 2005, Sidney achieved his Master’s degree in Physical Therapy and finished a Doctor of Physical Therapy in 2006 from St. Catherine’s University in Minneapolis, MN. Throughout his experience, he […]
Jason Robey

In the news PRI website interview Articles Robey JH, Boyle K. The Role of Prism Glass and Postural Restoration in Managing a Collegiate Baseball Pitcher with Bilateral Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: […]
Sarah Ratti

Jodi Reerink

Jodi Reerink is from Omaha, NE and currently resides in Omaha, NE. Jodi completed her undergraduate work at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in pre-physical therapy and she received […]
Cindy Rice

Erin Rajca

Rachel Rand Smith

Rachel graduated from the University of North Carolina in 2009 with a degree in Exercise Science and Psychology. She then moved to Richmond, Virginia to pursue her Doctor of Physical […]
Sangini Rane

In the New: PRI travels to Mumbai, India Sangini is Blogging
Jennifer Poulin

Jennifer graduated from the University of Vermont in 1991, earning a Bachelor’s of Science in Physical Therapy. She began her post-graduate study in Postural Restoration in 1999. In 2005, Jennifer […]
Chad Rainey