Clinical Laboratory R3

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Asuka Suda

PRP Credentialing Earned: 2024 Asuka Suda, from Saitama, Japan, has played volleyball since elementary school, and eventually, he started to look for a job that could support athletes. After graduating […]
Hironobu Ajiro

A native of Chiba, Japan, Hironobu Ajiro has obtained the physical therapist license after graduating from Ryotokuji University and started his career at the orthopedic hospital providing post-operative rehabilitation. He […]
Michael Zhao

Operating out of New York City (supplemented by video calling for clients located outside of NY), Mike has been a PRI practitioner since 2016. He specializes in helping clients restore […]
Eric Phillips

Karla Hollan

Kasia Galica

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Timas Peteraitis, Physiotherapist, PRC

In 2019, I graduated from the International Physiotherapy course at ”Saxion” University of Applied Sciences, with minor in Sports Physiotherapy and Manual Therapy. Throughout my studies in the Netherlands and […]
Steven Blair, DPT, CSCS, PRC

Justin Baird, PT, DPT, ATC, PRC