Joshua Elleman

Ryan DiPanfilo

Ryan DiPanfilo serves as the Major League Head Athletic Trainer for the Arizona Diamondbacks. Prior to his current role, he served as the Major League Assistant Athletic Trainer from 2013-2017. […]
Michelin Carroll

Michelin graduated from the University of Vermont with a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy and Physical Education with a concentration in Sports Medicine. She was a Certified Athletic Trainer for […]
Mark Cairns

Mark sees patients at Optimal Health Center on the mornings of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Insurance is not accepted for his services. He is also employed as the full time […]
Anne Bradley

Julie Blandin

Julie received her degree from Saint Francis University in Pennsylvania and has been working in the sports medicine field since 1998. She is a hands on therapist utilizing many forms […]
Keitaro Abe

A native of Kanagawa, Japan, Keitaro Abe came to the U.S. after graduating from a local high school in Yokosuka, Kanagawa. He holds a bachelor degree in Kinesiology with an […]
Yoshikatsu Abe