Cervical Revolution – Seattle, WA – Course In Review

Alpine Physical Therapy has been the center of advanced PRI courses for over two years. The three amigos, Chris "Murph" Murphy, DPT, PRC, Jeremiah Ferguson, DPT, PRC and Eli Zygmuntowicz, DPT, PRC hosted Cervical Revolution at their facility this past weekend and it was a pleasure seeing the guys again and having their support hosting this course. Cervical Revolution has been evolving for the past two years with course manual changes, thanks in a large part to Jason Masek, MSPT, PRC, and his diagram of the atlas and occipital bone in the left and right TMCC pattern. One of the biggest learning challenges in any PRI course is to connect a pattern to position and have a tri-planer picture in mind from a two dimension drawing from a book. Jason’s description is a vital learning tool to understand position of atlas relative to occiput before the discussion of occiput on atlas in a patho-mechanical compensation called right torsion occurs.  

Postural Restoration Cervical Revolution course

In addition, several revisions to the course manual have been made with the help of Ron Hruska and Mike Cantrell to make this course flow even better.   The emphasis has become even greater on the O/A junction being the driving factor for autonomics, cranial position and especially oscillatory lateralized function. The connection with the L AIC, R BC, R TMCC and LSB cranial position, and the need to alternate and reciprocate, was integrated deeply this past weekend with ample lab time and insightful clinical discussion.

Cervical Revolution Postural Restoration

Attendees in the course included six PRC’s as well as practitioners on the verge of becoming PRC’s with much PRI exposure and practice.  Along with the "veterans" there were practitioners with just a few PRI courses under their belts including PT’s, myofunctional speech therapists, and strength and conditioning personal with a strong emphasis on working with baseball players from little league to the pro’s.  Joseph Yousefian, DDS, an orthodontist, was in attendance for his first PRI course.  He was thrown right in the middle of PRI nation and was such a valuable voice when it came to occlusion and a dentist’s perspective.  In this course the discussion on occlusion is one that is interdisciplinary, and that more often than not, we need to work with a specific dentist to help with occlusion to "free up" a neck and let it revolve!

Thank you to all attendees and especially Murph, Jeremiah and Eli. I also want to thank Ron and Mike for their mentorship over the past two years. They have been so generous in their time and energy helping me understand the content and learn how to teach Cervical Revolution. This was my first solo Cervical Revolution as a faculty member and it was such a rewarding experience to be so well prepared with the help of Ron and Mike. Also, thank you to Jennifer Platt, MPT, PRC for all of your mentorship, emails and phone calls in this learning process!