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Lori Thomsen and the staff at The Hruska Clinic have recently updated their shoe list for summer of 2018!  We have tried to provide more categories to assist finding proper footwear depending on the primary issues that you may be adressing with your patient.  We hope that his gives patients and practitioners better tools to assit their patients.  See the Hruska Clinic website to download the shoe list and see a video from Lori explaining what went into the changes this year!

Visiting the Country of Japan, left all of us longing to speak their language and be able to communicate with them in their culture more directly. Japanese is not considered an easy language to learn as it “borrows” 3 sets of characters from other languages in the region such as the Chinese “Kanji”. For many western travelers looking to visit this island, this may perhaps be the biggest hurdle. We were very fortunate to have the help, guidance and translation from our PRI Japan faculty and staff, who graciously helped us navigate the transit system which is the largest and busiest in the world.

Summarizing these 10 days into one page, feels like trying to interpret Japanese all over again. There is no way to accurately relay our deep respect and appreciation for the people we met along the way. Although there was at sometimes an inability to communicate these feelings to one another. They were greatly felt, through the smiles, bows, shared meals, and sightseeing that we accomplished while visiting.

We started the trip with the presentation of Cervical Revolution by Ron Hruska, in Tama Center, Tokyo at Teikyo University. Mr. Takahashi, was generous to pick us up and drive us to the course each morning and made the transportation such an ease. The Teikyo University facilities and staff there are some of the most hospitable and friendly group of professionals we have been around, and they love to have FUN! These 3 days provided a deeper discussion on the Secondary PRI concepts relating to the Cervical Spine, and the course attendees were eager to learn.

Following the Cervical Revolution Course we had scheduled two question and answer sessions in Tokyo, and Kyoto. The goal of these Q&A sessions was to answer any questions related to PRI that the community in Japan may have had throughout their attendance to Postural Restoration and Myokinematic Restoration. It was a tremendous success and although Sy had prepared several slides of possible topics to discuss, we never relied on their use. The audience was active and the questions (which were translated to Ron) ranged from the foundation of the science of Postural Restoration, to specific course questions and everything in between.

The rest of our trip revolved around seeing, experiencing and doing as much as we could in the remaining few days we had. We visited countless Shrines, and Temples and after our stay in Takashi’s home of Kyoto, we headed to Kobe. Kobe captivated us for many reasons but speaking as a Nebraskan from the Great Plains, I think we were all excited to see more of the countryside and less of the underground subway stations. As soon as we arrived in Kobe we started exploring. With only one day there, we knew it was going to be full. The morning started by taking a gondola to the top of the Kobe Herbal Gardens and the view at the top was breath taking. Soon after we were met by Mr. Akira Yoshimoto (who visited Lincoln a few months back, and has become a great friend) and his colleague, who guided the second half of our day. They took us out on a ferry ride through Kobe Bay, followed by dinner and a mountain top view of the skyline. This dinner deserves a blog alone, as the Kobe Beef experience was one I will never forget.

(Port of Kobe)

(Golden Palace)

No amount of time or words can do justice to the amount of love we received during this trip. Many people deserve recognition for making it a success. Specifically Kenny, Sayuri (Sy), and Takashi as they were our lifeline every day. They are all three living in Japan for the first time in years, as Kenny and Sy, until recently remained in the US. Not only did these three individuals create a once in a lifetime experience for us, but they work tirelessly to further the growth of PRI Japan. They have now translated all three primary courses and continue to host these primary courses throughout the year. We already miss them, and although there is now a few more hours added to their flight time, we are hopeful that we will still see them throughout the year.

One of the only words I made sure to learn the first day we arrived was “Thank you”. Arigato Gozaimasu! I knew it would probably be the only word(s) that would matter, and 2 weeks later I wish I had said it ten times more.

Thank you to everyone involved with PRI Japan! Thank you to the course attendees who traveled and took off work and asked questions. Thank you to all of the host sites. Thank you to the PRT’s and PRC’s located throughout Japan, and thank you again to our PRI Japan faculty. We look forward to continuously growing with you all.

View more photos HERE!

This past week I had the opportunity to lab assist with Pelvis Restoration and have a booth at the Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers (PHATS) Annual Convention. It was a joy talking and meeting so many Athletic Trainers and strength coaches from multiple divisions of professional and college hockey. Your passion and energy was visible in the course, I had so much fun helping out with lab and getting to learn more about hockey and all of you!

Matt Hornung, ATC

Below is Jesse’s course in review:

Hey PRI nation!

Midweek last week I enjoyed the opportunity to visit the largest Marriott hotel in the world to teach Pelvis Restoration to a group of engaged professionals at the Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers Society/Society of Professional Hockey Equipment Managers’ annual gathering in Orlando, FL. Thank you Anita Ramsay and the Orlando World Center Marriott staff for organizing the event, and to each of what was likely many people involved within the PHATS/SPHEM group for arranging the amenities and host site.

In a room filled predominantly with highly trained ATC’s and a host of other professional hockey specialties including LMT’s, NHL spotters, and strength coaches focused on intervention in the professional hockey realm, the day began with a discussion of how to integrate PRI principles of Pelvis Restoration into practice by discussing how the pubosacral ring is affected by normal asymmetry that often leads to positional dysfunction of a pelvic diaphragm and can potentially decrease athlete’s performance. Thank you Todd Daniels and others for spurring a thorough conversation about intervention pre and post competition early in the course to give us a functional application lean throughout. As we moved toward learning eight Pelvis Restoration objective tests that can be used to guide said pre and post competition intervention algorithms to add variability during and after play, course attendees participated in a discussion about Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) and how both acetabulofemoral (AF) and femoroacetabular (FA) position and harnessed pelvis movement ability can affect the varying types of FAI. Thank you Brent Woodside for your help with demonstration of how accentuated normal patterned position can affect asymmetrical beings, decrease performance and add risk. Special thanks to Seamus McKelvey for bringing the best Irish name and beard to the course–and congrats to Luis Alvarez for winning the Josh Olinick best hair award for this course.

As we moved to treatment, I was impressed by this group’s consistent focus during the many lab sessions dealing with objective tests, inhibitory repositioning technique practice and neurofacilitation program technique practice and discussion. Thank you Thomas "quick hands" Alva for your athletic prowess with the pelvis toss and attention to detailed questions about special testing that ensured course participants were able to apply information as quickly as possible in practice. Rockstars: From start to finish, PRC’s Connor Ryan and Megan Bollinger and ATC Matt Hornung from straight outa Lincoln were on point during this course, guiding lab groups through a plethora of lab learning opportunities with steak-like Pelvis Restoration course lab material. These three were A+ and integrated seamlessly into and out of lab demonstrations. You three killed it! Many thanks also to Andrew "bowling ball" Sachkiw, Elise "feisty" Nichols, Kristen Larsen, Tyler Stratton, Ryan Lewdon, Steve Ruhmel and more for your willingness to help with lab demonstrations of particular pelvis inlet and outlet inhibition and facilitation techniques and concepts for group learning through the course. Each of you were great!

During break times and after the course, I enjoyed the conversations with Emi Takahashi about her applied pelvis hockey research @ WSU, Kyle Moore about how to integrate Pelvis Restoration into practice and multiple others throughout the course about varying, relevant and pelvis restoration specific topics. Thank you Matthew Aiello and others for your varying senses of humor throughout the course, keeping the group light and yet tremendously attentive throughout.

I really enjoyed my stint in Orlando applying Pelvis Restoration with all of these fine hockey professionals from around the country!

Earlier this month, we hosted our first Non-Manual Techniques Workshop with 42 attendees from across the US, and several different countries gathered in Lincoln to learn more about the intricacies and details of the PRI Non-Manual Techniques developed by Ron Hruska. The first 5 hours or so, Ron spent time discussing key concepts related to positioning, reference centers, and the organization of the Non-Manual Techniques programs. This then allowed us to then dive into several techniques (approximately 15) in great detail, and get Ron’s input on set up, performance, cueing, modification, types of patients the technique is good for, and more. For each technique, Ron had an attendee demonstrate, while he provided tips on performance and modification. The workshop was a huge success and based on the feedback from the attendees, it is something we plan to host twice next year in Lincoln. We have had several requests others wanting to host this workshop, however due to nature of how the workshop is organized and run, the set up at the Institute is best, where I can assist Ron in pulling up techniques onto the screens as needed. Another fun thing about this workshop, is other than the first 5 hours, no two workshops will be the same! We thoroughly enjoyed the first go around, and look forward to next year!

YouTube video

A few testimonials from course attendees:

"I learned better ways of cuing patients (tactile/haptic) and more focus on reference centers to maximize patient ability to improve/progress more effectively and quickly."

"Awesome tools to progress or regress routine all within the same exercise!"

"Excellent!! Must do after 3 primary courses."

We are excited to offer our Manual and Non-Manual Technique Programs directly on our website as Digital Downloads. If you have already purchased the CD’s or DVD in the past, there is no difference in content between these and the digital download version, and the process to save these programs to your desktop is the same. But, with ever-changing technology of computers and laptops (many of which no longer come with a CD/DVD drive), the digital download offers a more convenient way to purchase these products. Each of our three primary courses; Myokinematic Restoration, Postural Respiration, and Pelvis Restoration have a corresponding Non-Manual Techniques program. The Manual Techniques program includes nearly two hours of video including demonstration, instruction and explanation of each manual technique provided by Ron Hruska, which compliments the Postural Respiration course.

If you are Interested in learning more about these products, they can be found on our website HERE!

Being my first trip to Virginia, I was excited to be able to share the science of PRI to many first-timers. We had a very good mix of strength and conditioning, rehab, and sports medicine professionals in the audience. Virginia Commonwealth University were great hosts for our weekend of exploring how the polyarticular chains influence our every day lives, as well as our sports performance. Many thanks to Eddie Benion and his crew, James, Jason, Ray, Christopher, and John.

We spent our first day going through the patterns of the L AIC and R AIC. We discussed how the patterned behavior facilitates some muscles, while inhibits others, on each side of the body. And we had a great discussion about while is it awesome to be Batman, being Bruce Wayne is much more valuable. We talked about "good" Boy Bands, and "bad" Boy Bands.

The best part of the weekend, in my opinion was the amount of time we had for lab. We spent nearly half of the day on Sunday in lab, where everyone got a chance to find and feel the muscles that we need to facilitate, and inhibit, if we are to get into L stance and off the R leg properly. My thanks to my lab assistant, Eileen Kokosinski, PT. You were a great help! We were able to go through an inhibition lab as well. And we were able to link the activities back to the Hruska ABDuction and ADDuction Lift tests.

My thanks to Sara Creger, DPT, for letting us use her as our lab demonstration model. As well as Drew Coulter, DPT, and James Benzel, ATC, and Jason Castleman, ATC, for allowing us to learn from them as well. As always, we had a great room of learners, and we had a ton of great questions. My thanks to Joshua Jordan, Leanne Dunaway, Scott Burch, Tom Loyd, Ethan Saliba, Edwin Santiago, and Jason Turner. It was so great to hear this mix of health care professionals ask questions, and learn from each other about how human asymmetrical patterns affect our daily lives and sports performance.

Agilus Health is seeking a Phyisical Therapist for IMMEDIATE HIRE!

Join our rapidly growing Clinic in Alexandria, Louisiana. We are currently looking to quickly hire a Full-Time Licensed Physical Therapist for our Alexandria location. 

If are a PT who likes to solve problems and have and have a genuine love for seeing people happy because of your ROCKSTAR skills, then you are just what we’re looking for! 


  • Must posses the ability to work in and attribute to an overly happy, positive environment
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  • You must be a fully licensed in Physical Therapy
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If you found yourself associating all of the above with the Physical Therapist that you are, then we want you ASAP!

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The spacious auditorium of St. Luke’s Hospital was the weekend home for 44 course attendees. The science of PRI continues to expand its reach to professionals from a variety of disciplines (PT, OT, PA, DC, PTA, ATC, and CSCS), with the lively Marquette University training staff well-represented.

This course dives right into discussion of our asymmetric diaphragm, creating lateralized patterns of air flow and obligatory patterns of movement, defined as the L AIC, and R BC. Attendees learned: the correlation between PRI tests and a person’s ventilatory – thus walking – strategy; how to identify joint pathology that can develop when the typical human patterns of the L AIC and R BC go awry; and how to identify pathological breathing strategies that develop from patterned position and activity – namely superior T4 and PEC syndromes.

Lab provided a kinesthetic and aural dimension to assessing activity of the left and right AIC, BC, and PEC, the quality of ventilation, and the degree of rib cage pliability/restriction. Our rib cages benefited from manual guidance to fully exhale and expand. Further lab was devoted to experiencing non-manual techniques that reinforce sensing of opposition muscles that shape the left diaphragm’s ZOA and shift our center of mass to the left while rotating the upper torso back to the right.

Special thanks to:

– The models who donated their bodies for the benefit of all: Cathy Curran, DPT, Audra Hawkins, PTA, Elizabeth Majszak, DPT, Steve Schmidt, DPT, and Brandon Yoder, ATC. ,

– Mary Jo Herrick and Selene Wang, DPT, of Aurora Healthcare, for the set-up, break-down, and keeping us hydrated and fed.

– Gabe Champeau, DPT, and Anita Panagiotis, MSPT, PRC for assisting during labs and sharing your clinical pearls.

The Cantrell Center for Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, & Wellness is NOW HIRING!

We’re proud to have served Middle Georgia and the community at large for over twenty-five years, as an independently owned clinic and wellness facility.  We are a collaborative environment, where patient care is paramount and each team member’s gifts and experiences blend to create an atmosphere of integrity and encouragement. As part of our team, you will work side-by-side with like-minded and dedicated colleagues, while enjoying the opportunity to build your own career.  Located in Warner Robins, Georgia, the Cantrell Center is positioned in the Middle of the state!  Just a quick drive to Atlanta or the beach, Warner Robins offers convenience to any interest without the crime rate and elevated costs of a larger city.  Visit the website of the Robins Regional Chamber of Commerce for more information about the city of Warner Robins.


  • Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
  • Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA)

Here’s why professionals like Cindy and Erin has been with the Cantrell Center for over a decade…

  • Cantrell Center clinicians work in a facility where their knowledge and skills are valued
  • Cantrell Center clinicians possess a personal drive and desire for excellence
  • Cantrell offers a unique mentorship program

Why settle for less than this in your career? 

DPTs & PTAs:  If this describes who you want to be, please contact:

Mary Oakley, PT, CHT

Hear it straight from the Cantrell Center Team:

"21 years ago, I recognized that this company was like no other and latched onto it. The focus was on providing each and every client with the highest quality physical therapy experience available. Period.  The second focus was on treating employees like family. Period. These very basic premises have not changed. This living, breathing entity called The Cantrell Center is like no other." – Mary Oakley, PT, CHT

"Not many people can say that they’ve been with a company longer than they’ve been married.  Or that their boss helped welcome the both of their kids (age 12 & 7).  I seriously have the best bosses ever.  And my co-workers are just icing on the cake.  I couldn’t imagine my life without the Cantrell Center in it!" – Erin Bennett, PTA

"What initially drew me to the Cantrell Center was the small, intimate setting, and the fact that my classmate and friend, Erin Bennett, had already been hired earlier in the year.  I am so happy to work alongside my best friend and others who I can happily call my friends and family." – Cindy Rice, PTA, PRC

"After working at PT practices in 5 different states, I interviewed at the Cantrell Center and knew I had found a PT home. The camaraderie among the staff and the outstanding patient clientele sold me on the Cantrell Center. I’ve been here 14 years and have not once wanted to work anywhere else. There really is a Cantrell difference." – Lola Rosenbaum, DPT

"I have worked at the Cantrell Center longer than any other facility in my 30+ year career.  I have no desire to work anywhere else.  This is home!  I feel it is the people here at the clinic that make this place special, both staff and patients/clients.  The enthusiasm and friendliness of our Wellness clients and patients is up lifting.  The staff and their genuine care for others – coworkers, patients and clients, keeps me here.  I also enjoy the opportunity to continually learn and become a better therapist and the emphasis on quality care that is encouraged here." – Linda Bratcher, MPT  

"I initially chose to work at the Cantrell Center because I knew that when people asked me where I was working right out of school that I would be proud to say that I worked at the Cantrell Center over any other facility in the area. Eight years later, I feel the same way. I love providing quality PT to wonderful patients and working alongside amazing coworkers. The Cantrell Center is like a second family to me, and I can’t imagine working anywhere else." – Jamie Lochner, DPT, PRC

For information about the Cantrell Center, please visit us on: Facebook and Instagram.


In March, Ron Hruska participated in a live video webinar for the American Academy of Physiological Medicine & Dentistry (AAPMD), titled “Which Side Are You On? The Cervical Revolution.” If you were unable to join the live webinar, you can now get access to this one hour video via the AAPMD webinar library, as well as many other interdisciplinary webinars on the topics of airway management, sleep, myofunctional therapy, among others. If you are interested in viewing multiple webinars in the AAPDM webinar library, becoming a member of the AAMPD will be well worth the price. Otherwise, a single webinar can be purchased for $35.00.

Over the past several months we were given the opportunity to get to know Ron and Gabe Adams as we prepared for their visit to Lincoln, and eventual presentation at the 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium. To be completely honest it is difficult to put into words the effect that our time together had on not only the Staff here at the Institute, but also our course attendees and family and friends who were able to hear Gabe’s Story.

Gabe was born in Brazil with Hanhart Syndrome, leaving him with no arms or legs. The Adams family, residing in St. George Utah were not currently looking to add another family member as Janelle Adams was expecting her 11th child at the time, however after hearing about Gabe it was impossible for them to stop thinking about him. He is now a 19 year old young man, and is one of thirteen children raised by the Adams’. He is entirely independent in his daily life, but the journey from where he began to where he is now is full of falls and failures, that ultimately made him who he is today.

The focus of this year’s symposium of ‘Postural Restriction’ provided a great foundation for Gabe’s presentation, as he has overcome restriction every day for 19 years. Having both Gabe and his father Ron present, allowed us to hear both their perspectives of how Gabe was raised and how he overcame his struggles. Gabe’s Mom & Dad believed that in order for Gabe to ever be fully independent as an adult he had to become fully independent as a child. For Gabe the only way this was going to happen, was by failing, repeatedly, over and over again. He was restricted by literally every single task that you and I take for granted and he learned to do them all. Most of us would have likely given up. Maybe not right away but eventually. Instead Ron and Gabe and the entire Adams Family, embraced them. The struggles changed from day to day but one thing remained the same. He never stopped smiling.

During his presentation, he had the entire room smiling as well. Besides showing us how he performs everyday tasks, such as dressing himself, brushing his teeth, combing his hair etc. he broke out into a dance routine which none of us would ever succeed at! Dance is a big part of Gabe’s life and allowed Gabe to prove to himself and the community that not only could he do it, but he could do it well! Gabe was on his high schools dance team for several seasons, and continues to enjoy it into his adult life.

Gabe’s 19 year journey of overcoming obstacles is profound, and we can never understand the trials and tribulations that he has gone through, but the most exciting thing about Gabe is what’s yet to come. It is easy to focus on how he has gotten to where he is today, but his plans for the future are just as bright. Gabe has a strong desire to one day be able to drive, allowing him to become fully self-sufficient and mobile. His motivational speaking has taken off since graduating high school and he plans to continue sharing his story as opportunities arise. Gabe also dreams of becoming an interior designer and would love to create and design personal spaces for others.

It was a tremendous honor to get to know Gabe and Ron, and as we got to know them it became very clear that Gabe is perhaps the most un-restricted 19 year old we know.  Often many of the problems that your patients or clients may have, stem from their extremities. The in-ability to sense and successfully manage these extremities often leads to further issues. For Gabe, none of that is a problem. Although he has the same dominant patterns as you and I, he was forced from birth to learn to manage them and in some cases use them to perform everyday tasks. Gabe has plenty to manage throughout his day, but without extremities in his way his future is truly “Limibitless”.

(Gabe showing the group how he writes)

(Course attendees trying to write like Gabe)

YouTube video

It has been a couple weeks now since we wrapped up our 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium, but we are all still boasting with excitement over the two days that we had on April 19-20th! It was such a pleasure to host Matt Wallden and Phillip Beach, Osteopaths from across the pond who were our keynote speakers this year. Their clinical and educational backgrounds allowed them to expand on topics of tissue restriction, evolutionary and development factors, archetypal postures, and contractile fields relating to the symposium’s overall topic of “Postural Restriction”. Jacqueline Shakar blended her extensive clinical experience in assessment and treatment of the foot and ankle, with different methodologies, including PRI, Graston Technique, SFMA, and others, giving us all further appreciation of the role that the foot and ankle plays in restriction from the floor up and other areas of the body. Robert “Skip” George shared his personal journey as a chiropractor, the restrictions encountered within his profession and also some of the common clinical restrictions that occur in the cervical spine. Heidi Wise opened our eyes further to the role that extraocular muscles have on (or in response to) postural patterns, and possible restrictions that might occur with the EOMs. Pat Davidson took us through a fun journey reminding us how we have lost “authentic environments” that our ancestors thrived upon, and how this is influencing today’s healthcare and fitness industries. Ron Hruska got to further expand on chest wall restriction and the role of clavicle, hyoid and scapula position and alignment. His discussion on management of hyoid muscle ‘sling’ activity was brought to life with the ‘PRI Suprahyoid Sling Model’ that attendees received to help them further understand, and also educate their colleagues, patients or clients how mandibular and hyoid position/alignment influences suprahyoid muscle activity. And finally, it was an honor to have Gabe Adams speak, dance, and answer questions for our attendees on Thursday evening. His story (along with his father Ron) was more than inspiring, and reminded all of us that the thorax runs the show. With ribcage and thorax movement, you can walk, dance, and live life to its fullest!

While we are still boasting in excitement two weeks later, we are even more excited to be working on next year’s Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium topic and speakers. Save the date for April 11-12, 2019, and stay tuned for the topic and speaker announcements in the coming months!