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This week’s featured speaker for our 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium is Ken Crenshaw. A native of New Mexico, Crenshaw graduated from New Mexico State University with a degree in sports medicine and worked as an athletic trainer in the Pittsburgh Pirates organization for three years and as the strength and conditioning coordinator with the Atlanta Braves for four years before heading to Tampa Bay for 10 years. In December 2005, Crenshaw was named the Head Athletic Trainer for the Arizona Diamondbacks. He is a certified member of the National Athletic Trainers Association and the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

“After meeting Ken Crenshaw in 2008, at an educational course that I presented to his staff, he sent me an article written by Pavel Kolar, a mentor of his and mine. Since that time, he has sent me several articles and emails on everything from the diaphragm to neurology as it relates to stabilization and integrating function. He has so much experience and wisdom. What were we thinking when we scheduled him to speak for only 2 hours?” – Ron Hruska

For more information and to register for this upcoming Annual Symposium, in which this year’s featured topic is Athletic Performance, CLICK HERE!

I received the first Postural Restoration Certification (PRC) application for 2013 in the mail today, and I must say even I was a bit surprised to have one arrive so early! Although, PRC applications are not due until September 15th, it is never too early to begin working on the application process.

Postural Restoration Trained (PRT) applications are due on October 15th. If you too have begun working on your application during this wintery spring weather, and have any questions, please email me!

Ron Hruska addresses the role of the biceps femoris and vastus lateralis as antagonistic hip stabilizers in our most recent email question. To learn more about this, CLICK HERE!

Monterey, CA (Postural Respiration) – Three great days on the Monterey Peninsula.  Provided staff training at the Pebble Beach Golf Academy on Friday followed by the Postural Respiration course in Monterey on Saturday and Sunday.  A big thank you to Julie Blandin, PT, PRC for all the work she does to promote PRI in California.  She is a West Coast pioneer that has overcome a wide variety of obstacles to help advance PRI to a new and very interested audience. Way to go Julie! –James Anderson

Bath, ME (Postural Respiration) – This past weekend in Maine was one of the better Postural Respiration classes I have taught. We had lots of time for progression of non-manual techniques and the entire class was enthusiastic and switched-on! –Mike Cantrell

Wilmette, IL (Myokinematic Restoration) – Had a great weekend in the Windy City teaching Myokinematic Restoration of the hip and pelvis to a diverse group of professionals! It is exciting to see the science of PRI reaching out to other disciplines! Donna is a wonderful host and her staff of Pilates and Yoga instructors energy was infectious!  It is always great to see new clinicians reactions to the power of respiration and the connection to the pelvis.  I remember my first impression of Ron’s work and I am humbled to share it with others! I cant wait to teach again! -Jen Poulin

Faculty member and PRC therapist Lori Thomsen was featured in a cycling podcast by USA Cyclist George Thomas last night. George was introduced to Lori’s cycling articles by a physical therapist he was seeing for a cycling related injury in Colorado, and wants to share Lori’s knowledge with Postural Restoration. CLICK HERE to listen to Lori’s podcast interview on cycling integration. Also, stay tuned, as Lori will continue being a guest on the podcast station over the next couple months!

We are excited to announce that Postural Restoration® has received a registered trademark! While the Postural Restoration Institute® received a registered trademark a few years ago, this news is exciting since the science of Postural Restoration® is now exclusively owned and property of Ron and the Postural Restoration Institute®. This will help strengthen and protect the science that so many clinicians are using nationwide as a result of PRI courses and credentialing!

As a physical therapist who understands the problems and symptoms associated with low backs that are too extended or too deep, I feel troubled and uneasy when I see people with such extended backs.  I find myself wanting to go up to strangers and persuade them to schedule an appointment with anyone they professionally trust, to help them understand what they can do to reduce the urge, need, or reason for arching their low back too much.  Maybe I am just getting old, but I believe this is an epidemic.  I travel a great deal, giving courses to physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, dentists, optometrists, etc. on Postural Restoration® and I see this extension epidemic, everywhere.  Of course I have a cognitive bias toward those with deep backs, but again I really believe a significant amount of our respiratory, endurance and musculoskeletal issues arise from those who innocently do not know how to stop extending their backs.

We have professionals in our world today who do know how to help you reduce this extension.  The only requirement, “you” have to ask for that help.  The question you need to ask them is, “Can you help me or help me find someone who will help me learn what I need to do to reduce my back extension?”  These professionals exist; they may be a physical therapist, a massage therapist, a yoga instructor, a personal trainer, etc.  Reach out and extend your search for these people so you can feel better and live with a body that is not fighting itself.  By extending this inquiry, your back extension and everything reflected by it should reduce, such as your possible back and neck muscle tightness, your irritability, your sleeplessness, your hip pinch and knee pain.

As humans we need other humans for help when our knowledge, education and ability is limited.  Those who have as much passion as I do to reduce patterned and asymmetrical extension of the back are usually willing to integrate your daily activity in a highly demanding and physically challenging environment through “your” ability to do so.  If you can’t find these passionate professionals, consider calling someone at the Hruska Clinic for consultation. They are physical therapists that will always keep your best interests and capabilities in mind and may actually need to consult with other professionals to reduce your extension.  “Extend” this search today, so that you do “not need to extend” tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the Early Registration Deadline for our 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium being held in Lincoln on April 11-12th! To register with the early registration rate of $415.00, CLICK HERE! After Friday, the course tuition does increase to $445.00.

Also, please take note of the hotel recommendations below to ensure that you receive the special rates, as there is a cut off date for room reservations at these discounted prices!

Hotel Recommendations:

Courtyard Marriott Lincoln
808 R Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
Phone (402) 904-4800
Special rate of $119/night.  To reserve a room please request the group block under “Postural Restoration Institute”.  The cut off date for reservations is March 20th.  Features include: brand new hotel just 3 blocks from the course location (within walking distance), located in the Historic Haymarket, near several restaurants and shops, indoor pool and fitness center. 

Please note that the following two hotels would require transportation to and from the course. 
Comfort Suites by Choice Hotels
331 N Cotner Blvd
Lincoln, NE 68505
Phone (402) 325-8800
Special rate of $69/night. To reserve a room please request the group block under “Postural Restoration Institute”. The cut off date for reservations is March 30th.  Features include: shuttle transportation (please call Emily Gifford to make arrangements, shuttle space is limited), indoor pool and fitness center, and business center.

Chase Suite Hotel by Woodfin
200 South 68th Place
Lincoln, NE 68510
Phone (402) 483-4900 or toll free (888) 433-6183
Special rate of $79/night. To reserve a room in our block, please ask for Roxanne in the Sales Department. Features include: complimentary city wide van transportation (including transportation to and from course and airport – upon request).

We had another busy weekend of PRI courses! Despite another winter storm and a few travel delays getting home, the faculty reported a great weekend!

Pelvis Restoration (Salem, OR) – This past weekend in Oregon was amazing.  Approximately 10 individuals experienced their first PRI course!  What a fun and exciting time.  It was also rewarding to see “light bulb” moments going off for others who have attended other courses.  I feel “integration” was a key word this past weekend with how the Pelvis Restoration course integrates Postural Respiration and Myokinematic Restoration together.  Understanding how that polyarticular chain of muscle integrates the whole system.  It was an awesome weekend.  Thanks Salem Health for hosting us this past weekend! –Lori Thomsen

Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration (Minneapolis, MN) – Karen and Carrie thank you for hosting the TMCC course this past weekend. I enjoy teaching this course so much, especially when the audience is multi-disciplinary (optometrist, dentists, ATC’s, PT’s and strength coaches) and they let me “jump around” to teach in an andragogical manner. Thanks! –Ron Hruska

If you have not listened to Neil Rampe’s recent interview on, be sure to check it out soon! It is available FREE until this Wednesday only.

The teleseminar interview that I did back in 2011 for (scroll down to bottom of the link) is also available for FREE until this Wednesday as well!

The University of Michigan Health System Continuing Education Program will be sponsoring Postural Respiration on April 27-28, 2013 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. For more information about this course or to register, CLICK HERE!

Check out the new featured interview with Carrie Langer, MPT, ATC, PRC! Carrie was a member of the first Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) class in 2004, and is co-owner of Kinetic Physical Therapy Institute in Woodbury, Minnesota. Although, there are challenges that come with running a private, outpatient clinic in today’s world of healthcare, Carrie states “there is not a day that goes by in which we (Karen and I) regret our decision.”

To read the full interview, CLICK HERE!