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While they wait for the Asics Foundation to be released again in January 2014, the Hruska Clinic has updated their shoe list!

To check out the recent updates to the shoe list, CLICK HERE!

Since summer has finally arrived (according to the weather in Nebraska at least!), it’s time to start a new weekly reading series where I will be featuring a blog story each week to highlight an article or book from the PRI Resource Center! This week’s article, An Integrated Approach for Treating the OB Patient: Treating the Five Diaphragms of the Body, Part 1 is a hidden gem that I found when tagging articles with key words.

The article, written by Ken Johnson, DO in 1991 discusses the anatomical relationships of what he considers the “five diaphragms of the body”. This includes the arches of the feet, pelvis diaphragm, respiratory diaphragm, Sibson’s fascia covering the thoracic inlet, and the tentorium cerebelli. Needless to say, this article is a great reference for several PRI courses, including Pelvis Restoration and Postural Respiration.

Please feel free to share your comments on this article! If you have any hidden gem or new articles that you have come across lately, please email me and let me know!

Have you been considering applying for the Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) credentialing program? Applications for the 2013 PRC program are due on September 15th! If you are interested in applying for this year’s class, I would recommend beginning the application soon. To view the application, CLICK HERE!

I have already received two completed applications for this year’s program. If you would like to submit your application early, you will receive feedback from the review committee in 4-6 weeks. Testing for the 2013 PRC class will take place on December 9-10th, following our four-day Advanced Integration course in Lincoln, NE.

If you have any questions about the PRC program, please check out the FAQ section or email me!

As I browsed Facebook last night, I came across a couple PRC colleagues (thanks Torin Berge and Emily Soiney) who had shared this NY Times article “Growing Left, Growing Right” with their friends. The title was enough to catch my attention, but then I read this quote “Visible signs of left-right asymmetry in the human body are apparent around six weeks (embryonic).” I instantly shared it with my friends, but couldn’t wait to share it with Ron this morning. “WOW!” were the words from his mouth.

Check out this article if you haven’t seen it already!

Three recently scheduled courses for 2013 have been added to our website!

Postural Respiration
Lincoln, NE
September 27-28, 2013

Myokinematic Restoration
Des Moines, IA
October 4-5, 2013

Myokinematic Restoration
New York City, NY
October 5-6, 2013

If you are interested in attending, register now!
I will also be starting to plan the 2014 course schedule in the next week, so please contact me or fill out a host form if you are interested in hosting!

Julie Blandin, PT, ATC, CSCS, PRC recently completed an Introduction to Postural Restoration® webinar presentation which is currently featured on and The presentation is titled “Bridging the Gap for the PRI Science into the Fitness and Sports Industry.”

If you are interested in Postural Restoration® and applying it into the sports rehab, performance and fitness environment, be sure to listen to Julie’s webinar. You can also access the power point handouts HERE!

A PRI course attendee, Lilla Marhefka sent me this recent article on the right diaphragm function in subjects experiencing chronic low back pain with structural spine disorders and in those who have no history of low back pain or structural disorders (control group). Diaphragm motion and shape was recorded from MRI recordings when postural demands on the body were increased (hip flexion demands were increased). A statistical analysis showed that the diaphragm respiratory and postural changes were significantly slower, bigger in size and better balanced in the control group.  When a load was applied to the lower limbs, the pathological subjects were mostly not able to maintain the respiratory diaphragm function, which was lowered significantly. Subjects from the control group showed more stable parameters of both respiratory and postural function. In their conclusion, the researchers state that the facts also support the ability of the diaphragm to play a key role in maintaining the good stability of the trunk. It is also important that they were able to separate the phases of diaphragm movement.  Postural motions of the diaphragm could predict dispositions to vertebrogenic problems or could help when seeking to correct these problems. This is an excellent research study that supports PRI philosophy and principles. Thank you Lilla!

Jason Masek, PT, ATC, CSCS, PRC will be presenting at the 64th NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposia in Las Vegas, NV on June 27th. Jason’s special topic presentation is titled “Breathing’s Influence on Upper Quarter Dysfunction”. If you are are an Athletic Trainer, and are planning to attend the Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, be sure to pre-register for Jason’s special topic presentation!

In addition, both Paige and myself will be in attendance at the AT Expo with a Postural Restoration Institute Exhibit Booth. If you are attending, be sure to stop by and see us to learn more about PRI, and receive special offers and course discounts!

Bartlett, IL (Postural Respiration) – It was a pleasure to integrate all weekend with so many rehab professionals who are used to an integrated model of practice. A big thanks to Joel Anderson and also Pat, Mike and the entire staff at Olympia Chiropractic and Physical Therapy for being great hosts and for being so open to incorporating new ideas into what already started out as interdisciplinary practice model. Anita Panagiotis, PRC was a great assistant in the manual lab and throughout the course! Thanks for bringing your daughter Noelle to her first PRI course while she is still a student.  Loved having her. – James Anderson

Minneapolis, MN (Impingement & Instability) – It rained in Minnesota! So the entire class (that included several PRC therapists) was glad to be indoors. Enthusiastic questions and paradigm shifting each hour had the class room quaking as the thunder rolled. By Sunday afternoon we realized that the primary rainfall came in the form of information pouring down. So the lightning may have been electrical, but knowledge is power! – Mike Cantrell

Michael Mullin, ATC, PTA, PRC will be presenting at the Perform Better Functional Training Summit in Chicago, IL on June 30th. Michael will have two sessions (lecture and hands-on) titled “Principles of Postural Restoration for the Sports Clinician”. If you are planning to attend, you can view the full schedule and list of presenters & topics HERE!

In addition, Paige will also be present at the Summit, so be sure to stop by the PRI booth to learn more about Postural Restoration, meet Michael Mullin, and receive special offers!

Are you interested in what Ron Hruska has been reading in the past couple months? Well, here is the extensive reading list. As you can see it is a very interdisciplinary collection of books, ranging from lumbopelvic pain to optometry integration to orofacial pain. If you are looking for some good reference material, check out the list below!

Movement, Stability & Lumbopelvic Pain: Integration of Research and Therapy (2nd Edition) by Andry Vleeming, Vert Mooney and Rob Stoeckart
Neuro-Visual Processing Rehabilitation: An Interdisciplinary Approach by William V. Padula, Raquel Munitz, and W. Michael Magrun
Practical Applied Optometry by A.M. Skeffington
Introduction to Clinical Optometry by A.M. Skeffington
The Concussion Crisis: Anatomy of a Silent Epidemic by Linda Carroll and David Rosner
Mind and Muscle by Elizabeth Langford
Orofacial Pain: Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management (5th Edition) by Reny de Leeuw and Gary Klasser
On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins
Sports Vision: Vision Care for the Enhancement of Sports Performance by Graham Erickson
Perception, Cognition, and Decision Training: The Quiet Eye in Action by Joan N. Vickers

And arriving just 5 minutes ago from UPS was the book, Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance by James Oschman. Thank you Janine for recommending this book to Ron at last week’s Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration course!

What are you reading? If you have any recommended reading materials, please let us know in the comments section below!

Ron recently read this excellent article in the spring 2013 issue of the International Journal of Orthodontics. This article has been added to the reference material for the Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration course, and Ron utilized it when discussing the importance of the tongue in this past weekend’s course in Cary, NC.

To give you some insight of this article, here is one of the (many) sentences that Ron highlighted when reading this article:
“Every dentist needs to know what has caused the malocclusion that he is going to treat. In other words, one has to know the muscles, structures, attachments, forces, balances, imbalances, resting and swallowing tongue positions.”

This article is an excellent read for anyone interested in Postural Restoration and integrating with dentists or orthodontists in their community. As Ron mentions in the Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration course, the tongue is the best orthotic we have. This article discusses in depth tongue resting position and tongue swallowing positions and how the tongue influences the development of malocclusions.

Loudon, ME. The origin and development of malocclusions. When, where and how dental malocclusions develop. Int. J. Orthodontics. 2013; 24(1):57-65.

CLICK HERE to receive information on receiving this article.